ty-eight, and junior to many of the people whom he would have to manage.
He was a theorist, and this was a job that called for experimenters and engineers.
His political affiliations were doggy: he had all kinds of friends who were Communists.
Perhaps more importantly, he had never had an administrative experience.
"He was a very impractical fellow," one of Oppenheimer's friends later said.
"He walked about with scuffed shoes and a funny hat, and, more important, he didn't know anything about equipment."
As one Berkeley scientist put it, more succinctly: "he couldn't run a hamburg stand."
Oh, and by the way, in graduate school, he tried to kill his professor.
This was the resume of the man who was trying out for what might be said, without exaggeration, to be one of the most important jobs of the twentieth century.
And what happened? The same thing had happened twenty years earlier at Cambridge: he got the rest of the world to see things his way.
Here are Bird and Sherwin again: "Oppenheimer understood that Groves guarded the entrance of the Manhattan Project, and he therefore turned on all his charm and brilliance.
It was an irresistible performance."
Groves was smitten. "‘He’s a genius,' Groves later told a reporter. ‘A real genius.'"
Groves was an engineer by training with a graduate degree from MIT, and Oppenheimer's grate insight was to appeal to that side of Groves.
Bird and Sherwin go on: Oppenheimer was the first scientist Groves has met on his tour (of potential candidates) who grasped that building an atomic bomb required finding practical solutions to a variety of cross-disciplinary problems....
Groves found himself nodding in agreement when Oppenheimer pitched the notion of a central laboratory devoted to his purpose,
where, as he later testified, 'we could come to grips with chemical, metallurgical, engineering and ordnance problems that had so far received no consideration.