Soon the shores of the pond were so crowded that a policeman was sent from headquarters to announce that everybody would have to stop pushing, but nobody did.
People in New York like to push each other. The most excited person of all was the boy who owned the Lillian B.Womrath.
He was a fat, sulky boy of twelve, named Leroy.
He wore a blue serge suit and a white necktie stained with orange juice.
"Come back here!" he called to Stuart.
Come back here and get on my boat.
I want you to steer my boat.
I will pay you five dollars a week and you can have every Thursday afternoon off and a radio in your room.
"I thank you for your kind offer," replied Stuart, but I am happy aboard the Wasp -- happier than I have ever been before in all my life.
And with that he spun the wheel over smartly and headed his schooner down toward the starting line, where Leroy was turning his boat around by poking it with a long stick, ready for the start of the race.