And finally, after long, cruel and bloody1 battles, they succeeded.
So now they had their own small kingdom, with its capital: Jerusalem.
Their first king was Saul, who fought against the neighboring tribe, with the Philistines2, and died on the battlefield.
The Bible has lots of good stories about the next kings, King David and King Solomon.
Solomon was a wise and just king who ruled soon after 1,000 BC, which was about 700 years after King Hammurabi and 2,100 years after King Menes.
He built the first Temple of Jerusalem, although his architects weren't Jews, but foreign artisans from neighboring lands.
It was as large and as splendid as any built by the Egyptians or the Babylonians.
But in one respect it was different: deep inside the heathen temples there were images of Anubis with his jackal's head, or of Baal, to whom even human sacrifices were made.
Whereas in the innermost part of the Jewish temple–the Holy of Holies–there was no image at all.