But the mummies of other kings and those of many ancient Egyptians have been found undisturbed in their tombs.
A tomb was intended to be a dwelling for the soul when it returned to visit its body.
For this reason they put in food and furniture and clothes, and there are lots of paintings on the walls showing scenes from the life of the departed.
His portrait was there too, to make sure that when his soul came on a visit it wouldn't go to the wrong tomb.
Thanks to the great stone statues, and the wonderfully bright and vivid wall paintings, we have a very good idea of what life in ancient Egypt was like.
True, these paintings do not show things as we see them.
An object or a person that is behind another is generally shown on top, and the figures often look stiff.
Bodies are shown from the front and hands and feet from the side, so they look as if they have been ironed flat.