第十四章 格雷格問答時(shí)間
I know some of these ideas are new to people andhard to digest.
Because of that, I feel Greg still has a littleexplaining to do, to make sure no one walks awaywith the wrong idea.
Okay, I'm not going to lie—I can use Greg to explain a few things...to me. Some of these ideasare hard to digest. Liz.
Greg, seriously, are you really sure I can't ask the guy out? Guys say I'm intimidating. Ishould be allowed to help them out a bit.
Most of the great things we want in life are intimidating. That's what makes life so darnexciting.
Do you really have time for a guy who's so afraid of you that he's not even capable of invitingyou for coffee?
Greg, are you so sure there are so many great guys out there, that I can just throw all theseother less-than-perfect guys away?
I don't know how to answer that except to say that being in a good relationship is much betterthan being in a bad relationship, and you'll never be able to be in a good relationship if you'resticking with Mr. Shitty What's His Name.
Only you can know if the relationship you're in isn't go enough for you.
A good indication that it's not is if you're only staying with What's His Name because you'rescared.
What if I would rather be with someone who might not be that into me than be alone?
I get it. You can feel like crap and be alone.
Or feel like crap and at least have someone to spend the holidays with.
Got it. It seems like it might be a fair trade, except for the fact that it means the only twooptions you are giving yourself involve feeling like crap.
By staying with the guy who's not that into you, you are ensuring that you're never going tofind one that is.
I say, not to anyone's surprise, take the risk of not having someone to spend Christmas with,possibly feel lonely for a while, but know that you're doing it for a much bigger payoff at theend.
Greg, do you really think there are that many men out there who are capable of being asloving as you think I deserve?
Yes. I do. I do. I do. Otherwise I wouldn't be writing this book.
Greg, in the book you say that I shouldn't talk to my ex-boyfriend unless he's begging to getback together with me.
But then you also say that I should be suspicious of a guy that wants to get back togetherwith me after he's broken up with me. What's up?