On the domed ceiling of the hall, the colour organhad momentarily painted a tropical sunset.
The Sixteen Sexophonists were playing an oldfavourite: "There ain't no Bottle in all the world likethat dear little Bottle of mine."
Four hundred couples were five-stepping round the polished floor.
Lenina and Henry were soon the four hundred and first.
The saxophones wailed like melodious cats under the moon, moaned in the alto and tenorregisters as though the little death were upon them.
Rich with a wealth of harmonics, their tremulous chorus mounted towards a climax, louder andever louder–until at last, with a wave of his hand, the conductor let loose the final shatteringnote of ether-music and blew the sixteen merely human blowers clean out of existence.
Thunder in A flat major.
And then, in all but silence, in all but darkness, there followed a gradual deturgescence, adiminuendo sliding gradually, through quarter tones, down, down to a faintly whispereddominant chord that lingered on (while the five-four rhythms still pulsed below) charging thedarkened seconds with an intense expectancy.
And at last expectancy was fulfilled. There was a sudden explosive sunrise, andsimultaneously, the Sixteen burst into song: "Bottle of mine, it's you I've always wanted!
Bottle of mine, why was I ever decanted?
Skies are blue inside of you,The weather's always fine; For There ain't no Bottle in all the worldLike that dear little Bottle of mine."
Five-stepping with the other four hundred round and round Westminster Abbey, Lenina andHenry were yet dancing in another world–the warm, the richly coloured, the infinitely friendlyworld of soma-holiday.
How kind, how good-looking, how delightfully amusing every one was!
"Bottle of mine, it's you I've always wanted …"
But Lenina and Henry had what they wanted …
They were inside, here and now-safely inside with the fine weather, the perennially blue sky.
And when, exhausted, the Sixteen had laid by their saxophones and the Synthetic Musicapparatus was producing the very latest in slow Malthusian Blues, they might have been twinembryos gently rocking together on the waves of a bottled ocean of blood-surrogate.
"Good-night, dear friends. Good-night, dear friends."
The loud speakers veiled their commands in a genial and musical politeness. "Good-night, dearfriends …"