I'm Anthony Russel from the Department of Biological Sciences...
...of University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada.
We're talking about a species of flying lizards.
So, it's called Draco volans, which means "flying dragon."
Okay, these flying dragons, they are a little different from the dragons we see in movies.
For starters, they're small.
They are, they are.
Only about eight inches long and they don't breathe fire.
But they do fly, in a way.
They're gliders, which means they have control of their descent and trajectory,...
...but they don't have any power in it.
That's because they don't actually have wings.
They're actually modifications of the ribs so they have nothing to do with the legs and arms.
Evolutionarily speaking, this has helped the lizards survive.
They can escape attacks and they have a broader living zone.
So, they might not be "dragon" dragons.
Sometimes people name things because it's more dramatic effect.
Well, they're still incredible lizards.