There are a ton of people who work on safety at Facebook.
So, I think it really starts with the members of our user operations team...
...who are on the front lines responding to people's concerns about safety or questions about safety.
It's the engineers who are building the products,...
...who take into account the specific needs of minors in building things.
It's our site integrity teams who build tools like social reporting...
...that allow people to report abuse both to Facebook...
...and to someone in their community who might be able to help them.
And these people work around the clock and around the globe.
Everybody who was working on this is really passionate about the people who use the site...
...and I think it's a great responsibility and a privilege to be able to support them,...
...and all of us spend time thinking as parents and as friends...
...about the people that we interact with in our lives.
And as we think through these things,...
...we try to make sure that we think about them and the people using the site.
As someone who's been involved in safety online for 15 years,...
...I've seen such an evolution on the Internet...
...where it was truly an anonymous place where people thought...
...they could act in ways that they couldn't offline.
And maybe, there are still places on the Internet like that.
But Facebook is a unique place, where we're trying to create that well-lit environment...
...where you interact with real people.