嗨!我是Jason Shorn,我愛 VIA火車。事實上,我太愛VIA火車,愛到自己在家里蓋了一輛。這就是我的地下室,這些是我的《異世奇人》玩具,然后那是我的實體大小VIA火車。我花了四年半以及兩千五百美金在我的地下室打造了這輛VIA火車,就在以下二十六秒中。
The Guy with the train in his basement
I still have a letter from 1987. I was twelve years old, and VIA rail was telling me, "We're sorry, Mr. Shron, but we can't sell you any seats from our trains."
The train is where I feel most at home. Its where I feel most at peace. It's this bubble of comfort, especially when it's hurdling along at eighty-five miles per hour with the snow and the rain pelting on the outside. It's just the perfect perfect place.
At this end of the car on the real train is the bathroom. I replaced the bathroom with my record collection and turntable and all that, and the plan was to be able to chill out and just listen to music, but to be honest, I kinda just like listening to the train sounds.
This is amazing. I've got a photo mirror of the next car, where the next car is supposed to go, so you think you're on a train, with another car.
It's details like these that make this train so real for me. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to have a VIA train in my basement, but you can only find stuff like the garbage can if you actually have a real VIA train, and that's what happened. Some friends and I found out about VIA train car number 5647. It was going to be scraped. So we got ahold of it before it was scraped, and we took all these original parts out of it, like the garbage can, the coat hooks, the gena-motor light, the first aid box, the groovy 70's carpet, that basket for your time table, the conductor's valve, the folding gate, the radiator covers, and of course, all the comfy chairs.
That's it. The guy with the train in his basement. You too can have a train in your basement. You just need two things: you need to be completely insane, and you have to have an amazing wife.
See ya.