Don't make money a top priority. People who say money is one of their most important goals score lower for mental health, according to a variety of studies conducted over the past decade by Dr. Tim Kasser, associate psychology professor at Knox College, and Dr. Richard Ryan, psychology professor at the University of Rochester. Money-seekers suffer a greater risk of depression; have more anxiety and lower self-esteem; experience more physical, behavioral and relationship problems; and score lower on indicators testing for vitality (feeling alive and vigorousl and self-actualization. The problems were not caused by being affluent but by making money a primary goal in life.
Focus on essential psychological needs. Money scored last on the list of psychological needs that create happiness and fulfillment, according to a study by Kennon Sheldon, psychologist at the University of Missouri——Columbia. What are the four most essential needs? Autonomy-feeling your actions are self-chosen and setf-endorsed, competence-feeling effective in what you do; self-esteem; and a sense of closeness with others. The University of Chicago's National Opinion: Research Center found that people with five or more close friends are 50 percent more likely to describe themselves as "very happy" than respondents with fewer friends.
注重必要的心理需求。據(jù)密蘇里州哥倫比亞大學(xué)的心理學(xué)者肯尼·謝爾登的研究顯示,在那些能夠創(chuàng)造幸福和成就感的心理需求列表中,金錢(qián)排在最后一位。最為必要的4個(gè)需求是什么?自治一一感覺(jué)你的行動(dòng)都是自己選擇和自己認(rèn)可的;能力——感覺(jué)自己所做得是有意義的;自尊;與他人親密的感覺(jué)。芝加哥大學(xué)全國(guó)意見(jiàn)研究中心發(fā)現(xiàn),那些擁有 5個(gè)或者更多親密朋友的人比起那些朋友較少的人,在把自己描述為“非??鞓?lè)”的幾率要高出50%。
Help others. Professor Lyubomirsky has done studies in which students Were asked to practice altruism, doing five acts of kindness a week for six weeks. The participants reported a significant rise in happiness. Kind acts, she says, not only make you feel better about yourself, but foster a sense of interdependence and cooperation.