Vanessa: Hello to all our listeners. Denise is here with us today to tell us about how people are becoming more socially isolated. Welcome Denise. Are people today more socially isolated than they were in the past?
Denise: Hello everyone, yes, statistics show that Americans today find it more difficult to find a true soul mate.
Vanessa: Yes, but why’s that?
Denise: Our listeners need to understand that this is an ongoing study; the results so far have showed that the vast majority hold more than one job to make ends meet.
Vanessa: And they just can’t be bothered going out or giving dinner partiesDenise: Exactly, this leaves them with little free time to socialize…
Vanessa: Has this study revealed anything else worthwhile mentioning?
Denise: Well, yes, something rather unexpected has come up. It seems that people are likely to be more social when living in greener areas.
Vanessa: Hmm, there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel!
Denise: Yeah, things might be not as gloomy as we think they are…but I would like to remind our listeners that this is an on going study so…
Vanessa: Yes, of course the final results might be totally different! Thank you for being here today.
Denise: Thank you for inviting me.