1. 我必須開始做健身運動了。
I've got to start working out.
2. 她每天都跑步是為了減肥。
She runs everyday in order to lose weight.
3. 我鐘愛這項運動。
I love this game.
4. 要不要再賽一盤?
Do you want a rematch?
5. 感到肌肉收縮再舒張。
Relax your muscles when you feel contraction.
6. 你完成了。
You are set.
7. 免費使用健身中心。
Free use of Fitness Centre.
8. 很難找到時間去鍛煉身體。
It can be difficult to find the time to keep fit.
9. 如果可以的話,一周去一次。
Go once a week if you can.
1O. 讓我?guī)礁率摇?/p>
Let me show you to the locker room.
11. 你為什么經(jīng)常去健身房?
Why do you go to the gym so much?
12. 我要去泡桑拿,放松一下。
I'm going to relax in the sauna.
13. 身體健康對我有好處。
It's good for me to be healthy.
14. 晚上健身房里太擁擠了。
It's too crowded in the gym at night.
15. 我一動也動不了了。
I can't move a muscle.
16. 得有人來修理一下壓腿機。
Someone needs to fix the leg press machine.
17. 慢跑讓人更精力充沛。
Jogging makes you feel more energetic.
18. 運動與節(jié)食結合也許是減肥最有效的途徑。
Combining exercise with the diet may be the most effective way to lose weight.
19. 會員卡是多少錢一個?
How is the member card?
Is a court available now?
Walking up and down the stairs would beat any exercise machine.
22. 我在健身房鍛煉了幾次以后,覺得身體好多了。
After several sessions at the gym, I feel a lot fitter.
23. 不要了,我身上有味道了,我必須回家去洗個澡。
No, I smell. I need to go home and take a shower.
24. 如果你還在通過節(jié)食來瘦身,那你就落伍了。
If you are still dieting to slim down, then you are out of touch.
25. 當前的趨勢是讓肌肉變得更強健,身體變得更健康。
The current trend is to tone up: be muscular and healthy.
gym(健身房)rematch(再賽)exercise machine(健身器)slim down(瘦身)member card(會員卡)free use(免費使用)take a shower(洗澡)