The fourth letter
Dear Catherine:
My life began when I found you. And I thought it had ended when I failed to save you. I thought that hanging on to your memory was keeping us both alive. But I was wrong. A woman named Theresa showed me that if I was brave enough to open my heart. I could love again, no matter how terrible my grief. She made me realize I was only half-alive. It scared me and it hurt. And I didn't know how much I needed her until the night I watched her fly away. When that airplane took off. I felt something inside of me tear away. And I knew I should have stopped her. I should've followed her home. And now. tomorrow I'm going to sail to the windy point and I'm going to say goodbye to you. Then I'm going to go to this woman and see if I can win her heart. (Theresha sobs) If I can. I know you'll bless. me, and bless us all. If I can't, then I'm still blessed because I've had the privilege of loving twice in my life. She gave me that. And if I tell you I love her as much as I loved you, then you'll know the whole story. Rest in peace, my love.
我的生命,因為遇到你而開始,因為無法留住你而結束。我一直以為,只有緊緊地抱著對你的回憶,我們就會永遠活在彼此的心中。但我錯了。泰揣莎讓我明白,只要我能勇敢地打開心扉,我可以再去愛,不管我有多么悲痛。她讓我明白,我并不是真正地活著。這讓我感到害怕,感到痛苦。直到她離開我的那一晚,我才知道自己有多么需要她。飛機起飛的那一刻,我的心仿佛也被帶走了。我知道,我應該攔住她,我應該跟她回家。明天,我會駛過風之角,同你道別。 然后,我會去找她,看能否再贏得她的芳心。(泰瑞莎輕泣) 如果我可以,我知道你會祝福我,也會祝福我們。如果不可以,我仍然感到很幸福,因為我擁有過兩次真愛。是她讓我懂得這一點。如果我告訴你,我深愛她,如同我深愛你那樣,你就會完全明白了。安息吧,我的愛人!