In the nearly two years since Syria`s civil war started, more than 150,000 people have crossed that border, going to Lebanon to escape the fighting that has killed more than 60,000 people.
When you`re seeing news about Syria, you hear about the government forces, about the rebels. What about people your age? Teens who went from living their lives to living in the middle of a war? Kayana (ph) is 14. She lives in Lebanon now. She wrote something for a school project about how the war has changed her life. This is her story and her words.
My name is Kayana (ph), and I`m 14 years old, and I`m from Aleppo, Syria. I used to think everything was perfect, like the fairy tales, and now like I don`t know any more. I don`t know how anything is, I don`t know how anything is going to turn out to be.
I miss the most how we would be like so care free, you know. We would love all the time, and like we were also happy, every one like the old and the young, everyone was like really happy. Like my school, my friends -- everything. I always dream that we are in school right now, and for me, that`s actually nightmare, because I want it so bad, but not like I know it might not happen again.
The bombing that happened close to my house was in the morning, and my sister was at basketball practice at school, and they could see like a lot of smoke and like bits of bodies were flying everywhere. And so when I woke up, my mom was really scared because my sister was there. But then she told me that everything was OK. And when I tried looking at the TV, she switched the channels. But I was able to see like everything -- like the dead bodies and everyone.
Where I`ve been through changed me a lot, because it changed me in two ways. For example, when I used to complain about really silly things, I realize that there is like a much bigger world down there where people die and like people are killed. It also changed me in another way, because I always -- like I`m always angry right now at everyone, and like I`m not like happy the way I used to be.
What makes me angry is how people are so selfish, and they are killing each other, like without considering how people are dying, and like -- the -- like the situation they`re putting their parents into (and their family. Now, everyone is crying everyday, and there is no electricity, there is no food. How people are like struggling just to survive now.
I don`t blame anyone specific, but I blame everyone that`s just holding a gun right now. Like for whatever reason they think they are doing it.
The day my family decided to come to Lebanon, it was really hard for me. In the beginning, it was all a blur -
I always try to hope and I look at other people how they have no food, no home, and I thank God for what I have.
My mom goes back and forth to help the refugees and she like donates a lot of food and our old toys, and our old clothes. And like the reason I want to go back, basically, is because I want to make a difference. I want to help these people and go with my mom and like -- try to like at least make someone happy in there.
Yeah, I`m scared for like, for more to happen, for more people to die. And I`m scared that the hope I have right now to go back, like at the end will all be erased, and then like I won`t really have anything left to look forward to.
In the nearly two years since Syria`s civil war started, more than 150,000 people have crossed that border, going to Lebanon to escape the fighting that has killed more than 60,000 people.
When you`re seeing news about Syria, you hear about the government forces, about the rebels. What about people your age? Teens who went from living their lives to living in the middle of a war? Kayana (ph) is 14. She lives in Lebanon now. She wrote something for a school project about how the war has changed her life. This is her story and her words.
My name is Kayana (ph), and I`m 14 years old, and I`m from Aleppo, Syria. I used to think everything was perfect, like the fairy tales, and now like I don`t know any more. I don`t know how anything is, I don`t know how anything is going to turn out to be.
I miss the most how we would be like so care free, you know. We would love all the time, and like we were also happy, every one like the old and the young, everyone was like really happy. Like my school, my friends -- everything. I always dream that we are in school right now, and for me, that`s actually nightmare, because I want it so bad, but not like I know it might not happen again.
The bombing that happened close to my house was in the morning, and my sister was at basketball practice at school, and they could see like a lot of smoke and like bits of bodies were flying everywhere. And so when I woke up, my mom was really scared because my sister was there. But then she told me that everything was OK. And when I tried looking at the TV, she switched the channels. But I was able to see like everything -- like the dead bodies and everyone.
Where I`ve been through changed me a lot, because it changed me in two ways. For example, when I used to complain about really silly things, I realize that there is like a much bigger world down there where people die and like people are killed. It also changed me in another way, because I always -- like I`m always angry right now at everyone, and like I`m not like happy the way I used to be.
What makes me angry is how people are so selfish, and they are killing each other, like without considering how people are dying, and like -- the -- like the situation they`re putting their parents into (and their family. Now, everyone is crying everyday, and there is no electricity, there is no food. How people are like struggling just to survive now.
I don`t blame anyone specific, but I blame everyone that`s just holding a gun right now. Like for whatever reason they think they are doing it.
The day my family decided to come to Lebanon, it was really hard for me. In the beginning, it was all a blur -
I always try to hope and I look at other people how they have no food, no home, and I thank God for what I have.
My mom goes back and forth to help the refugees and she like donates a lot of food and our old toys, and our old clothes. And like the reason I want to go back, basically, is because I want to make a difference. I want to help these people and go with my mom and like -- try to like at least make someone happy in there.
Yeah, I`m scared for like, for more to happen, for more people to die. And I`m scared that the hope I have right now to go back, like at the end will all be erased, and then like I won`t really have anything left to look forward to.