1.the upper class people always like to do something nasty. 上流社會的人,總喜歡做點下流的事。
2.lost the road simply do not walk. 迷了路索性就不走路。
3.how far is your thought, how far you roll me! 思想有多遠,你就給我滾多遠!
4.cupid love arrows, not my name. 丘比特的情箭上,沒有我的名字。
5.when i see you smile, nothing to worry about. 當我看見的你微笑,一切都不用苦惱。
6.my life, happy in every smile. 我的生活,在每個微笑里幸福。
7.a slap killed my infatuation and paranoia. 一巴掌打死我的癡心和妄想。
8.but in the end is the so-called exchange solemn vows and pledges, deception. 所謂的海誓山盟,到頭來不過是欺騙。
9.there is a grave hidden in our heart. 心中有座墳,藏著未亡人。
10.between you and me, no fate, all depends on the value of my dead support. 你我之間本無緣分,全靠我顏值死撐。
11.i just like you, but not you. 我也只是喜歡你,但并非非你不可。
12.i smile, buried downhearted. 我的笑容里,埋著心灰意冷。
13.i can't help laughing when you explain it. 喜歡你解釋的時候,我會忍不住笑。
14.sorry, too heavy! i can't afford to. 一句對不起,太沉重!我承擔不起。
15.one simple happiness, a worldly will grow old. 人一簡單就快樂,一世故就變老。
16.what's lost is lost, immeasurably vast difference. 流水落花春去也,天上人間。
17.a person, a city, a person alone in night. 一個人,一座城,一個人獨守空城。
18.can you make the wrong in my heart. 能在我心里興風作浪你該識趣。
19.don't touch me and leave me without my head. 別感動我,然后頭也不回的離開我。
20.the weather is too cold, what to say, in my bed. 天太冷了,有什么事,來我被窩里說。