第二種深入計算我們稱之為數(shù)據(jù)分析處理 -- 有些人稱之為商業(yè)情報處理,即從大量信息中提煉出有用情報,并分析出以前得不到或看不見的各種關(guān)系和發(fā)展趨勢。
Banks are looking at spending patterns and other demographic data to see which customersare more profitable over the long haul. Health-care companies are analyzing millions of patientrecords to find hidden indicators of disease.
These tools are also helping slash the staggering cost of insurance fraud in the health-careindustry, which is a hundred-billion-dollar problem in the United States alone. Insurancecompanies can now spot every billion practices. One company in the United States has saved 38million dollars, having invested only 400 thousand in this technology.
這些工具還有助于削減 health-care 產(chǎn)業(yè)中驚人的保險欺騙損失,僅在美國這個損失就高達(dá)上千億美元。保險公司現(xiàn)在能夠發(fā)現(xiàn)任何欺詐行為。有一家美國公司僅在這種技術(shù)上投資 40 萬美元就減少了 3800 萬美元的損失。
In one instance they found a doctor, who was sending it a bill once a week for a procedurethat particular - usually was done once or twice in a life time. At some times the patterns andrelationships that are uncovered are truly baffling. One retail chain discovered the followingcorrelation -- for whatever reason, new fathers buy disposable baby diapers and beer on thesame shopping trip. This led to many, many thoughtful ideas not at least which was they neverdiscount diapers and beer on the same day.