話題:Danish Thriller 感受丹麥驚悚片
1、Phenomenal:amazing or awesome (AE)
2、Copenhagen:the capital cit of Denmark
3、Appetite:when you want to eat food
1、She couldn’t have made it any plainer:She couldn't express by words
2、Even my appetite is growing on the third season:I have great enthusiasm on the third season
1、What did people in England compare the series to?
2、When will they start shooting the third series?
3、Where does she say she would love to work?
4、What kind of TV series are popular at the moment in China?
1、England people compare the series to 《The wire》
2、They start shooting the third series in August on 2011
3、She said she would love to work at England
4、I think Bis show is very popular at the moment in China