Fleet Week occurs every May. Two U.S. Navy ships were at Piers 90 and 92. Saturday afternoon, Herb walked by himself almost 30 blocks to the Intrepid Museum at 46th Street. He then joined the crowd walking north to 54th Street. Everyone was walking on the bike path. The southbound bikers had to ride in the northbound bikers' lane. Herb came to the two Navy ships. He admired them through the chain link fence. Which one should I visit first, he wondered. He got up to 52nd Street. He saw a huge line to his left. It was the line of people waiting to visit the ships. The line was longer than a football field. There were four loops in the line. The line wasn't even moving! He was already tired from walking. He certainly wasn't going to stand in that long line. Maybe I'll come early tomorrow, he thought.