You:We usually eat rice, but we don't usually eatdumplings every day.
David:Sometimes I have had meals with Chinesefriends and at the end of the meal, they choosewhether to eat rice or dumplings. Why?
You:Well, maybe this is true in restaurants when people eat starch to fill up at the end of ameal. But eating at home is different. At home, dumplingsaren't intended for every dayconsumption. If you eat rice at every meal, although it's convenient, it can get boring. It's aChinese custom, especially in the north, to eat dumplings the night before Spring Festival.
David:Why? What's the history?
You:There is a story but I don't know it. I am from south China and we don't share thatcustom.
David:It's not a part of the custom in southern China. It is only a custom in Beijing?
You:Not only Beijing, but all northern China.
David:Someone told me before that, because the dumpling is round, it symbolizes thebeginning of a new cycle. I am not sure, but sometimes I understand they put a coin insidewhen they make dumplings, whoever eats the dumpling with the coin will have good luck. Maybethis is more northeastern culture.
You:Yeah, Ithink so.