I pretended to be oblivious to his intense scrutinyas I unlocked the door, and waved them in ahead ofme.
"Here, let me take that," I offered, turning to shut the door. I allowed myself one last glance atEdward. He was waiting, perfectly still, his eyes solemn.
"You'll want to put it in the fridge," Billy noted as he handed me the package. "It's some ofHarry Clearwater's homemade fish fry — Charlie's favorite. The fridge keeps it drier." Heshrugged.
"Thanks," I repeated, but with feeling this time. "I was running out of new ways to fix fish, andhe's bound to bring home more tonight."
"Fishing again?" Billy asked with a subtle gleam in his eye. "Down at the usual spot? Maybe I'llrun by and see him."
"No," I quickly lied, my face going hard. "He was headed someplace new… but I have no ideawhere."
He took in my changed expression, and it made him thoughtful.
"Jake," he said, still appraising me. "Why don't you go get that new picture of Rebecca out ofthe car? I'll leave that for Charlie, too."
"Where is it?" Jacob asked, his voice morose. I glanced at him, but he was staring at the floor,his eyebrows pulling together.