Hired to perform as a magician at a churchbanquet, I closed my act by "magically" producingcandy for all of the children, and then took a seatnext to the podium to listen to a speech by theschool superintendent. It wasn't long before Inoticed a small boy in the fourth row tryingdesperately to get my attention. I pretended toignore him,but the more uninterested I appeared,the more outlandish his attention-getting anticsbecame.
By mid-speech, the superintendent was visibly annoyed. In a final effort to save his speech, heturned to me and said, "I suppose if I am ever continue you should find out what is troublingthat young man."
Embarrassed, I went over to the child."What's wrong?" I asked.
In a loud voice, he replied, "My mom says I can't eat candy. Could you make mine a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich?"