Our family decided to take a road trip across the country this year. The kids were really excited and my oldest son wanted to help navigate . Before the trip, we looked at the road maps and decided on our route and the points of interest we would try to see. Since we wouldn’t be taking a camper , we needed to make hotel reservations along the way. After a little planning, we were ready to go.
The kids were behaving themselves the first day. My daughter was a little car sick in the morning, but we made it to our first stop without any major problems. On the second day, though, the kids were really acting up . They kept asking, “Are we there yet?” and they wanted to stop at every rest stop . My youngest son, who is only four, kept calling out the mile markers as we passed them, and I thought my head would explode if he didn’t stop. On top of that, my wife wanted to stop every few miles for a photo op and I thought we’d never get to the next town.
By the third day, I was really questioning the wisdom of taking three young children on the road for 10 days. I suspect that after this vacation, I’ll need another one to recover from it.