carbon sequestration
Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) (such as afforestation and soil carbon sequestration) mainly involves ways of absorbing carbon from the atmosphere.二氧化碳移除(例如綠化和土壤碳封存)主要涉及從大氣當中吸收碳的方法。碳捕捉和存儲
carbon capture and storage
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is the process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide (CO2) before it is released into the atmosphere.碳捕捉和封存是捕捉和存儲二氧化碳以避免其釋放到大氣中的過程。碳達峰
peak carbon dioxide emissions
China has pledged to peak carbon dioxide emissions around 2030.中國保證在2030年左右實現碳達峰。碳中和
carbon neutrality
China, the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide, has promised to become carbon neutral before 2060, and to begin cutting its emissions within the next ten years.中國是世界上最大的二氧化碳排放國,它已承諾在2060年之前實現碳中和,并已開始在未來10年之內減少二氧化碳排放。# 更多譯詞招聘(來源同文世紀翻譯)