The country will promote the establishment of a bankruptcy system for insolvent individuals in a step-by-step way, according to the new reform plan released by the National Development and Reform Commission and 12 other central government agencies.
個人破產(chǎn)(personal bankruptcy),是指作為債務人的自然人不能清償其到期債務時,由法院依法宣告其破產(chǎn)(an insolvent individual is declared bankrupt by the court),并對其財產(chǎn)進行清算和分配或者進行債務調整(have their property liquidated, distributed or debt adjusted),對其債務進行豁免(exempted from the liability the individual is unable to pay back)以及確定當事人在破產(chǎn)過程中的權利義務關系的法律規(guī)范。
《方案》明確,對符合破產(chǎn)等退出條件的國有企業(yè),各相關方不得以任何方式阻礙其退出,防止形成“僵尸企業(yè)”(zombie companies)。不得通過違規(guī)提供政府補貼、貸款(illegal government subsidies or loans)等方式維系“僵尸企業(yè)”生存,有效解決國有“僵尸企業(yè)”不愿退出的問題。國有企業(yè)退出時(in case of SOEs' exit),金融機構等債權人不得要求政府承擔超出出資額之外的債務清償責任。
發(fā)改委將研究建立個人破產(chǎn)制度(personal bankruptcy system),重點解決企業(yè)破產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生的自然人連帶責任擔保債務問題(resolving the joint liabilities arising from corporate bankruptcy)。明確自然人因擔保等原因而承擔與生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營活動相關的負債可依法合理免責。逐步推進建立自然人符合條件的消費負債可依法合理免責(promoting reasonable liability exemptions for individuals),最終建立全面的個人破產(chǎn)制度。
Not every personal bankruptcy application will be approved and applying for bankruptcy is not a shelter for those trying to avoid paying their debts, said Xu.
To get the debt liability exemption, the debtor has to repay part of the debt as a condition and the debtor's economic life will be restricted for about three to five years after the end of bankruptcy proceedings, Xu said.
企業(yè)破產(chǎn) corporate bankruptcy
市場主體 market entity
連帶責任 joint liability
營商環(huán)境 business environment