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一周新聞熱詞榜,一網(wǎng)打盡trending news。

1. 萬億俱樂部

1 trillion yuan club


17 Chinese cities are expected to join the "1 trillion yuan club" with each city's GDP surpassing 1 trillion yuan in 2018, chinanews.com reported on Thursday.


在17個進入"萬億俱樂部"的城市中,3個是新晉成員。2017年,寧波、佛山、鄭州的GDP總量分別為9842.1億元、9549.6億元、9130.2億元。三個城市距離"萬億俱樂部"僅一步之遙(knock on the doors of the 1 trillion yuan club)。佛山發(fā)布的2018年前三季度經(jīng)濟運行情況(developments in the operation of the economy)顯示,GDP同比增長6.2%,按此推測,佛山2018年GDP總量有望超過1萬億元。公開信息顯示,寧波和鄭州兩地2018年GDP也將突破1萬億元大關。

2017年已有14個城市進入GDP"萬億俱樂部"。其中,上海成為首個GDP超過3萬億元的城市,北京、深圳和廣州的GDP均超過2萬億元。北京市發(fā)展和改革委員會相關負責人近日透露,2018年,北京市地區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值預計超過3萬億元,能夠實現(xiàn)全年同比增長6.5%左右的預期目標(reach the annual expected growth target of 6.5%),人均地區(qū)生產(chǎn)總值將超過2萬美元(the per capita GDP will surpass $20,000)。

從地域分布上看,"萬億俱樂部"17城中有12個位于東部地區(qū)(located in the eastern region),占比70.6%。3城位于中部地區(qū)(in the central region),2城位于西部地區(qū)。據(jù)報道,東莞、西安、南通、泉州、合肥和濟南也有望在未來幾年內加入"萬億俱樂部"(enter the club within the coming years)。


經(jīng)濟狀況 economic situation

GDP核算 GDP calculation

核心指標 core indicator

高質量發(fā)展 high-quality development

工業(yè)產(chǎn)出 industrial output

增長質量 growth quality

2. 百日行動

100-day campaign

Quanjian's branch is closed in Zhengzhou, Central China's Henan province. [Photo/VCG]


The State Administration of Market Regulation, along with 12 other government ministries and agencies, jointly launched a nationwide 100-day campaign on Tuesday to crack down on illegal practices involving health products.


聯(lián)合行動方案將整頓重點鎖定為:與人民群眾日常消費密切相關的產(chǎn)品和行業(yè)(products and industries closely related to the everyday lives of people),以及宣稱有保健功效的器材、衣物以及日用家電(gadgets, clothing and household appliances that claim to have health benefits)。

該行動將在全國范圍內加大對"保健"市場重點行業(yè)、重點領域、重點行為的事中事后監(jiān)管力度(supervision during and after production),依法嚴厲打擊虛假宣傳(false advertising)、制售假冒偽劣產(chǎn)品(producing and selling counterfeit products)等擾亂市場秩序、侵害消費者合法權益等各類違法行為。國家市場監(jiān)管總局局長張茅強調,禁止對保健品進行評比評優(yōu)活動(stop reviewing health products or providing seals that certify their quality),違者堅決依法追責。

各部門在會上對"百日行動"作出部署。工信部門將建立健全24小時監(jiān)測機制(a 24-hour surveillance system),及時處置網(wǎng)絡違法活動,嚴查利用騷擾電話(spam phone calls)進行保健品推銷的行為;民政部門將重點對養(yǎng)老服務場所和設施進行排查,嚴禁假借養(yǎng)老服務場所進行保健品推銷;商務部門將嚴格直銷行業(yè)市場準入(strictly control market access of direct selling industry),整治直銷市場秩序;旅游部門將重點查處利用低價旅游(low-cost tours)推銷保健品的行為;衛(wèi)生部門將嚴厲查處以中醫(yī)保健名義進行非法診療(illegal medical practices in the name of TCM healthcare)等行為。


直銷 direct selling

傳銷 pyramid scheme

民間秘方 secret folk recipe

保健品 health supplements/products

3. 微信表情包

WeChat emoji


People in different age groups have totally different preferences for choosing their WeChat emojis, according to a report released by Tencent's WeChat.



報告顯示,00后用戶(users who were born in the 2000s)最愛的微信表情是"捂臉"(facepalm)。00后晚睡晚起,睡眠時間最短,晚上10點后開始活躍,偏愛冷飲和甜品(iced beverages and desserts)。

90后最愛的微信表情是"笑中帶淚(smiling face with tears of joy)",與其他年齡段的用戶相比,90后早上起床時間較晚(get out of bed later in the morning),公共交通出行最頻繁(be the most frequent users of public transport),閱讀內容從娛樂八卦轉向生活情感(reading materials have shifted from entertainment and gossip to relationship and lifestyle pieces)。

80后最愛的微信表情是"齜牙笑(grin)",他們熱愛閱讀(be fond of reading),關注國家大事(be followers of news related to State and public affairs)。

70后是樂觀主義者(optimists),最愛的表情是捂嘴笑(smiling face with hand over mouth),他們休閑時刻最愛刷朋友圈(go through their Moments)。

55歲以上人群最愛的表情是"點贊(give a thumbs-up)",他們早睡早起,平時線上娛樂非常豐富(with rich entertainment activities online),包括刷朋友圈、閱讀和購物。

報告顯示,微信已滲透進人們日常生活中的方方面面(penetrate into our daily lives)。2018年,微信月活用戶(monthly active users)10.8億,每日音視頻通話4.1億次(make 410 million daily video and audio calls)。使用微信購買公交車票(purchase public transport tickets)的乘客比前年增加了4.7倍,用微信支付醫(yī)藥費(pay for medical expenses)的用戶增加了2.9倍,每個月使用微信吃飯買單(use WeChat to pay for meals)的食客比前年增加了1.7倍。


大數(shù)據(jù) big data

性格建模 personality modelling

數(shù)據(jù)泄露 data breach

隱私威脅 privacy threat

信息安全 information security

互聯(lián)網(wǎng)監(jiān)管 internet governance

4. 邊境墻

border wall

US President Donald Trump talks to reporters as he departs for a visit to the US southern border area in Texas from the White House in Washington, January 10, 2019. REUTERS/Carlos Barria


US President Donald Trump made a televised plea for border wall funding Tuesday night, seeking an edge in the shutdown battle with congressional Democrats as he declared there is "a growing humanitarian and security crisis" in the southern border with Mexico.


當?shù)貢r間8日晚9點,特朗普在白宮橢圓形辦公室(Oval Office)向全美民眾發(fā)表黃金時段講話(prime-time address)。他在講話中向公眾解釋他修建邊境墻(border wall)的合理性,并表示美墨邊境危機正在加劇。因總統(tǒng)和國會無法就預算法案達成共識(budget standoff between the president and Congress),美國政府局部停擺(partial government shutdown)已進入第三周,特朗普此舉是為了向最近重掌眾議院的民主黨施壓(put pressure on newly empowered Democrats),迫使其屈服于他對邊境墻撥款的要求。

眾議院議長佩洛西和參議院民主黨領袖舒默在特朗普演講完畢后立即做出聯(lián)合回應(joint response)。佩洛西批評特朗普拒絕接受重開聯(lián)邦政府的兩黨法案(Trump had rejected bipartisan legislation to reopen the government),"特朗普必須停止將美國人民扣為人質(stop holding the American people hostage),必須停止制造危機(stop manufacturing a crisis),必須重新開放政府(reopen the government)"。舒默則呼吁特朗普將聯(lián)邦政府的運行和邊境安全分別處理,先簽署兩黨有關恢復聯(lián)邦政府運行的法案,然后再就邊界安全的問題進行磋商。民主黨曾發(fā)誓不會為修建邊境墻撥款,他們稱此舉不道德且無效(immoral and ineffective)。

9日,特朗普與民主黨國會領袖(Democratic congressional leaders)就撥款修筑邊境墻并結束政府局部停擺狀態(tài)事宜在白宮進行了商談。但談判很不愉快,特朗普怒氣沖沖地離開了會場(storm out of the meeting),抱怨此次會面"完全是浪費時間(a total waste of time)"。協(xié)商未果意味著美國聯(lián)邦政府停擺狀態(tài)仍將持續(xù)。11日是美國聯(lián)邦政府的發(fā)薪日,但受政府關門影響,大約80萬名聯(lián)邦雇員無法收到工資單(receive their paycheck)。


虛假信息 misinformation

解決分歧 resolve differences

轉移注意力 divert attention

升級對抗 escalate confrontation

勉強維持生計 make ends meet

5. 貝佐斯離婚

Jeff Bezos' divorce


Amazon CEO and founder Jeff Bezos, the world's richest man, has announced his divorce from MacKenzie, his wife of 25 years.


貝佐斯和麥肯齊在1993年結婚,婚后一年在西雅圖的車庫里創(chuàng)建了亞馬遜。9日,貝佐斯在推特中宣布了離婚的消息(break the news of the split in a tweet),并附有兩人的簽名?,F(xiàn)年55歲的貝佐斯的個人財富已達1370億美元。就在離婚消息宣布的前兩日,亞馬遜成為全球市值最高的公司,股票市值高達7970億美元(Amazon rose to become the world's most valuable company with a stock market value of $797 billion)。

貝佐斯在推文中說,在經(jīng)歷了長時間的愛情旅程和臨時分居之后,兩人決定離婚(they had decided to split up after a long period of loving exploration and trial separation)。兩人育有三子一女。貝索斯稱,他們還是"一個家庭,一對好友"(remain a family and cherished friends)。

如果兩人平分財產(chǎn)(split their assets equally),麥肯齊將分得共同財富(combined fortune)的一半,即685億美元。貝佐斯將不再享有世界首富的頭銜,而麥肯齊將在一夜之間成為全球最富有的女性(become the richest woman in the world overnight)。目前,全球最富有的女性是歐萊雅集團的繼承人(heiress of the L’Oréal empire)弗朗索瓦絲·貝當古·梅耶。

有著25年婚姻的兩人為何突然宣布離婚?外媒爆料稱,貝佐斯或婚內出軌,戀上已婚女主播(be having an affair with a married TV anchor)。據(jù)??怂剐侣剤蟮?,貝佐斯與好萊塢人才大亨(Hollywood talent mogul)帕特里克·懷特塞爾的妻子、電視主持人勞倫·桑切斯有著"秘密"關系("secret" relationship)。外界認為,貝佐斯本周突然發(fā)布離婚聲明是因為他知道自己和桑切斯的情事將很快曝光(become public)。


婚前協(xié)議 prenuptial agreement

婚外情 extramarital affairs

上市公司 publicly traded company

對沖基金 hedge fund

白手起家的億萬富豪 self-made billionaire


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