More than 40 white-hat hackers attend the final of a national competition designed to find new talent to work in the network security sector in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, on May 2.A total of 2,500 people from home and abroad entered the competition. Sun Can / Xinhua
The majority of Chinese white hat hackers are young people born in the 1990s, according to China's first report on the subject.
“白帽黑客”也就是業(yè)界所稱的“白帽子”,可以用英文white hat hackers 表示,指用自己的黑客技術來維護網絡安全的黑客,他們實質是信息安全從業(yè)人員(information security personnel )。與之相對應的是“黑帽黑客”(black hat hacker),也就是駭客(cracker),即闖入計算機系統(tǒng)或網絡系統(tǒng)者。這種說法緣于美國早期西部片以白帽和黑帽區(qū)分正邪雙方。媒體報道中,黑客一詞常指那些軟件駭客(software cracker)。
“黑客”是“hacker”的音譯,原指用斧頭砍柴的工人,1960年代這個詞匯才被引入計算機圈。 “駭客”是“cracker” 的音譯,就是“破解者”的意思。還有一些以“黑客”自居并沾沾自喜的初學者,稱為腳本小子(script kiddie)。