The Chinese media have been overwhelmed by a pop song, Little Apple, by the Chopstick Brothers. Called "brainwashing pop song" by many, Little Apple has become popular overnight in China likeGangnam Style or Tante (Perturbed) in the recent past.
“洗腦歌”英文表達是brainwashing pop song,所有的洗腦歌都有以下的共同點:simple and easy on rhythm(旋律簡單好記),have straightforward lyrics(歌詞直白),以及fast paced(節(jié)奏明快)。
從心理學上解釋,洗腦歌之所以受歡迎是利用了earworm effect(耳蟲效應),也就是ceaseless repetition of a piece of music in one's mind(一段音樂在腦中不斷的重復),這種大腦現(xiàn)象解釋了簡單的歌曲為什么會對我們進行“洗腦”,讓我們覺得它是首好歌。
很多人認為《小蘋果》的catchy but meaningless lyrics and pacey rhythm(好記但沒有寓意的歌詞和快節(jié)奏)讓自己得到放松。此外,另一個心理現(xiàn)象——group psychology(從眾心理)也是《小蘋果》火起來的原因。