Dear All,
From time to time third-party product providers whose products we distribute offer money or other non-monetary incentives over and above what is paid to ABC in the normal course of doing business together. This could include, but is not limited to, making a direct payment to ABC or subsidizing or meeting the cost of events and conferences at which ABC staff attended.
To offer guidance on this subject, we, in conjunction with Compliance and Human Resources, have compiled a number of points that should be considered when accepting and using such incentives. We attached a self-explanatory guidance note for your attention and immediate implementation.
The guidance note, amongst others, requires a new reporting requirement where Country units will submit details of all funding from third-party providers (monetary and non-monetary) to HQ. Please complete the attached spreadsheet by April 30, 2008 for all incentives provided by third-party funding currently in place and direct it to Wendy. For new third-party funding, every country should advise HQ. once it has been approved by the local CEO and communicated to all staff.
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact Daria or Wendy.