這一幕想必各位都很熟悉。你拿起一本辦公用品目錄飛快地翻看,盤算著行政預算還夠不夠湊一盒6支裝的百樂(Pilot)牌V5 Hi-Tecpoint中性筆(要特細的)。莫名一陣強烈的好奇感涌上心頭,你直接跳到了目錄的背面:一臺辦公桌玻璃生態(tài)缸。
Never mind the feint-ruled yellow notebooks and lever-arch files. You require a more potent symbol to accessorise your office. Something that reflects your appetite for the battle — your fearsomeness in the face of adversity, your quiet stealth. What you need, is this very terrarium and a lethally poisonous arachnid to house within it . . .
Or something like that.
One can only imagine the internal dialogue that persuaded the former chief whip — now defence minister — Gavin Williamson to raise a tarantula while tending to the ministries of government. Presumably he thought it would act as an appropriate and possibly humorous metaphor. Or at least keep people away. After all, few things say “I’m a colossal weirdo” like a colleague who keeps a pet spider named after the Greek god Cronos, the all-devouring King of the Titans, next to his computer mouse.
至于英國國防大臣、前保守黨黨鞭加文•威廉姆森(Gavin Williamson)的內心究竟發(fā)生過何種斗爭,會讓他帶著一只狼蛛服務于政府各個部門,大家就不得而知了。也許,他認為這看起來像一個貼切、可能還很幽默的隱喻,至少能讓人保持距離。畢竟,如果有個同事在鼠標旁邊養(yǎng)上一只寵物蜘蛛,還給它起名為希臘神話中的諸界吞噬泰坦神——克羅諾斯(Cronos),還有比這更能顯示“我是一個超級怪人”的嗎。
Williamson’s decision to share his workspace with a creature poised to asphyxiate its enemies with a lethal venom might act as a handy shorthand for a don’t-mess-with-me attitude. But his acquisition of such a bald accoutrement of power seems a bit Dr No in its ambition, far too flamboyant to be genuinely representative of real authority. While possession of an office pet does usually signify an elevated status, there are subtler ways in which to signal one’s superiority.
威廉姆森決定在辦公室飼養(yǎng)這種會發(fā)射致命毒液,可讓對手中毒窒息的狼蛛,或許是想隱晦地傳遞出一種“別惹我”的態(tài)度。但他選擇這樣一種張牙舞爪的生物,看上去反倒有點像野心勃勃的諾博士(Dr No),過于浮夸,反而不能真正體現(xiàn)實際權威。盡管在辦公室里養(yǎng)寵物通常確實會彰顯自己高人一等,但有很多更加巧妙的辦法來體現(xiàn)地位的尊貴。
To convey power with one’s desk space is a fine and nuanced art — especially in the modern office, where open-plan desk spaces are the norm, and the spectre of hot-desking is becoming a daily reality. My desk, for example, may currently showcase a bottle of dog shampoo, petrifying ball of rubber bands, expired orchid plant and 25 plastic Pret A Manger spoons, but look behind the perfume bottles and you’ll see a tasty black and white postcard print of myself and the Louis Vuitton designer Nicolas Ghesquière, a customised thank-you note from Dolce & Gabbana and a card from Tom Ford. (Who sent the orchid.)
通過辦公桌來展露權力是一門高雅精細的藝術——尤其是在現(xiàn)代辦公室,一般都是開放式辦公桌,人們都開始擔心會發(fā)展到輪用辦公桌了。就拿我的桌子來說吧。你在上面可以找到一瓶小狗用的洗發(fā)水,一團亂如麻的橡皮筋,一盆枯萎的蘭花,還有25把Pret A Manger家的塑料勺。但越過那堆香水瓶,你可以看到一張格調高雅、印有我與路易威登(Louis Vuitton)設計師尼古拉•蓋斯基埃(Nicolas Ghesquière)合影的黑白明信片,一張杜嘉班納(Dolce & Gabbana)專門寫給我的致謝函,還有一張來自Tom Ford的賀卡(正是他送我的蘭花)。
Communicating one’s impressiveness should be whittled down to a few talismanic details. Obviously, any self-respecting leader must first acquire an ergonomically designed lumbar-supporting chair. The chair should be larger and wider than anyone else’s, cost several thousand pounds, and be positioned in such a way that anyone else who sits in it will find it unbearably uncomfortable.
Desktop accessories, meanwhile, should be displayed as artlessly as possible. To make a lasting impact, one’s authority should be slowly insinuated rather than thrust in others’ faces. Save the silver-plated snapshots of yourself negotiating world peace with the leaders of the free world for your bathroom, and litter the desk instead with cryptic souvenirs: a loveworn softball signed by a much admired statesman should roll aimlessly about the table top. That note reminding you to return David Attenborough’s phone call should be casually tacked to the phone. A stack of handwritten notes from the leaders of your industry thanking you for your “kind words” and shared wisdoms should be collecting in a clearly visible yet insouciant pile.
此外,桌上物品的擺放應盡可能地自然。應慢慢地、一步步展露權威,而不是一股腦都亮出來,這樣才能有持久效應。那些你與自由世界領導人商討世界和平的鑲銀框照片還是留到衛(wèi)生間掛吧。桌子上應該隨意散放一些令人不明所以的紀念品:一個把玩得有些泛舊的壘球,上面有某位備受愛戴的政治家的簽名,就那么無目的地在桌上亂滾。提醒你別忘回電戴維•阿滕伯勒(David Attenborough,著名BBC紀錄片導演——譯者注)的便簽就那么隨意粘在電話上。還要在顯眼的地方,漫不經(jīng)心地摞上一沓你所在行業(yè)領袖的手寫信,感謝你的“溢美之詞”和分享的經(jīng)驗。
Obviously, a few copies of your latest book should be loitering about the place. Only a few, though. You mustn’t give the impression of having written a book that no one wants to buy. You should also make sure to furnish yourself with a copy of whatever is currently stimulating an entirely different field of industry than your own — to demonstrate your breadth of interest and towering intellect.
Fleeting insights into your former glories should also be conspicuous. A yellowing press cutting detailing an early-life triumph, like your success as a rowing blue or world Sudoku champion, are all excellent materials for display. Ideally this information should be accompanied by an image of you looking excruciatingly geeky. You may have achieved the highest placing in the world’s 400m hurdles championship, but you’re not vain.
Women, especially, will do much to convince others of their unassailable magnificence with a crude illustration or birthday message from a small dependent. Screensavers of your family safari holiday to Botswana are unacceptable — too showy. Ideally the note should be small and say something like “Mummy, you work an 80-hour week and we’re so proud of you”. If this is not forthcoming, then you should at least be rendered in a superhero’s cape.
But the absolute masters and mistresses of the workplace are those who reveal much by revealing almost nothing at all. By far the most impressive and influential colleague I worked with was also one of the most stubbornly inscrutable. As such, he acquired an intriguing mythology among us. Who was he really? Where did he go each night? Was he actually a foreign spy?
Tucked away in the corner of his desk he kept a blurry snapshot in a tiny frame. One day, when he went on one of his daily wanders to who knows where, we snuck over for closer inspection only to discover it was a picture of him — wrestling a bear. Take that, incey wincey.