《考研英語閱讀理解100篇 基礎版》第1章 經濟類 Unit 10
《考研英語閱讀理解100篇 基礎版》第1章 經濟類 Unit 10
Focus on what you do best.This age-old strategy has worked well for RealNetworks,Microsoft's main competitor in multimedia software for the Internet.Now,the smaller Seattle-based firm is trying a novel way to contain the software giant.On October 29th,it released the underlying recipe,or source-code,of its RealPlayer software and will soon do the same for its other programs—giving away a big chunk of its intellectual property.
This may sound like a desperate echo of 1998,when Netscape,struggling in Microsoft's chokehold,published the source-code of its web browser (an initiative that yielded few real results until this June,when the first serious new version of the open-source browser,Mozilla,was released). Yet RealNetworks is not playing defence.It is trying to encourage the creation of a common multimedia software infrastructure for every kind of file format and device,thus thwarting Microsoft's ambitions in this promising market.
The firm hopes that others in the industry(volunteer programmers,media firms and hardware makers)will take the code,called Helix DNA,improve it and make it run on new devices,such as mobile phones and home stereos,turning RealNetworks’ software into an industry standard.Clever licensing terms are supposed to ensure that this standard does not splinter and that the firm still makes money.
Individual developers,universities and other non-profit organisations can modify the software as they please,and even redistribute it for free,so long as they also publish the source-code for their changes.This is a sort of payment in kind,for RealNetworks is then allowed to use these contributions.Firms,on the other hand,must pay royalty fees if they distribute more than 1m copies of the code.They also have to make sure that their software works with other Helix DNA products.The software's development community already has 2,000 members.And several hardware makers back the effort.But there are risks.Afraid of piracy,media groups are suspicious of anything that might be related to hackers(although they also do not want to depend on,and pay for,technology controlled by Microsoft).The self-created competition could also hurt RealNetworks if customers decide its commercial products,which will be based on the open source-code but with extra features,are not worth paying extra for.
RealNetworks’ move is another sign that the software industry is going hybrid.Mixing elements of proprietary software,where the source-code is tightly controlled,with open-source programs enables firms to expand a market,harvest the ideas of others and,they hope,still make money.Even Microsoft is edging this way: it recently announced that partners can now look at—but not modify or reuse—the source-code for Passport,its controversial digital-identity service.
注(2):本文習題命題模仿對象為 2004年真題Text 1。
1.What is the RealNetworks’ new way of stopping Microsoft?
A) By selling its intellectual property.
B) By doing what it is good at.
C) By releasing the free source-code.
D) By severe competition with Microsoft.
2.Which of the following can be a disadvantage of releasing the source-code?
A) It can bring about self-created competition.
B) It can defeat Microsoft's ambitions in this market.
C) It can use the improved software.
D) It can get royalty fees from some firms.
3.The expression“a desperate echo”(Line 1,Paragraph 2)most probably means ______.
A) a useless repetition
B) a poor resemblance
C) a shabby product
D) a dangerous copy
4.What does the move of RealNetworks suggest?
A) Microsoft fails to control the software market.
B) Software market is becoming a mixed market.
C) RealNetworks wants to make more money.
D) Software market is not fixed or stable.
5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
A) Netscape had a sheer failure for its publishing the source-code.
B) RealNetworks wants to occupy the source-code market.
C) RealNetworks wants to make profits by releasing the free source-code.
D) Microsoft has to change its managing strategy.
該公司希望業(yè)內其他公司(志愿參加的程序設計公司、傳媒公司和硬件制造公司)采用這種被稱為Helix DNA的代碼,對它加以改進,并在新裝置(諸如移動電話和家用音響)上運行,最終把RealNetworks公司的軟件變成一種行業(yè)標準。在精明的許可證發(fā)放條款保護下,這一標準不會被分成碎塊,保證公司仍有錢可賺。
個體開發(fā)商、大學和其他非盈利性組織,只要他們也能把其更改后程序的源碼公布于眾,可根據他們的意愿對該軟件進行修改,甚至可以免費發(fā)放。這實際上是一種實物支付方式,因為到了那個時候,RealNetworks公司也可使用這些改進的軟件成果。另一方面,如果其他公司銷售了100萬份以上的源碼,他們須支付特許權使用費。他們還要保證他們的軟件與其他Helix DNA產品兼容。軟件開發(fā)業(yè)已擁有2,000余名成員。一些硬件制造商也支持這一舉動。但是風險依然存在。由于擔心被盜版,傳媒組織對一切可能與黑客有關的舉動都表示懷疑(盡管他們也不想依賴微軟的技術并支付技術使用費)。但是自我制造的競爭也可能會傷害RealNetworks公司,如果客戶認為不值得為以開放源碼為基礎但具有極佳特點的商業(yè)產品額外付錢的話。
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