1. 高頻:
2. 代表性
3. 話題豐富---TASK1包括人物類、物品類、地方類、事件類和其他類話題,TASK2包括教育類、科技類、媒體類、文化類、生活類和工作類話題。
4. 8句無敵模板標準
1. 語言地道
2. 精準用詞
3. 漂亮句型
4. 實用模板
5. 高分必備
1. 認真研讀。
2. 總結出地道表達和模板。
3. 根據自己的情況相應減量。
4. 適當更改,避免重復。
1. 拿到經典之作。
2. 熟悉各種題材。
3. 得到原始庫存。
4. 開始儲備未來。
【媒體類】about media
29. Where do you learn more from, media like newspapers, TV , Internet or people like friends, family and teachers? (05. 12.16; 06. 6.10考題)
Sample answer: I think I learn more from people rather than media. I’ll take my mother as an example. When life seems hopeless, she is always there to help me every step of the way and she maintains everything will be fine unless I myself give up. I’m encouraged not only by her inspiring(令人鼓舞的) words but also by her action. By taking action, she has never been overwhelmed by pressure, adversity(困境) and even danger. Also when I feel blue(情緒低落) sometimes, I would turn to my classmates or friends for cheering up and comfort. While, media like TV or Internet can only equip me with(以…武裝) knowledge and information, they are incapable of giving me spiritual satisfaction(精神上的滿足). So I learn about life, how to stay strong more from people around me than from the media.