I 繼續(xù)分論點
Now there’s a third way that octopus can transform themselves to blend in with or mimic their environment, and that’s by changing their shape and size, well, at least their apparent size. The muscular system of the octopus enables it to be very flexible to assume all sorts of shapes and postures. So it can contract into the shape of a little round stone, and sit perfectly still on the seafloor. Or it can nestle up in the middle of a plant and take the shape of one of the leaves.
II 開啟新論點
I have a handout, an article on pedodiversity in a section of forests near here. I want you to read it, because it makes a point that I’ve only touched on. From what I have been saying about the causes of pedodiversity, you might assume that the relationship between forest dynamics, what happens to the trees, and pedodiversity is a one-way street. As the article explains, forest dynamics affects pedodiversity. But pedodiversity also affects forest dynamics. It’s worth bearing in mind.
III 闡述反論點
比如文章一直在講述一個東西的好處,結(jié)果在結(jié)尾的地方突然在說這個東西的不好,這種結(jié)尾遍地都是red flag啊!!還不趕緊好好聽!!比如這篇,整篇都在講建筑師在建造音樂廳的時候如何運用各種技巧來控制回響,結(jié)尾的地方突然這么說了:
That being said, there’s something that can’t be controlled by the architect. The audience has an effect on acoustics too. The heads of people are good diffusers of sound. And Architects try to account for this effect in their design, but they can’t guarantee a full auditorium.
IV 延伸新例子
一篇文段中Professor都在講一類事物,結(jié)果講到結(jié)尾處還意猶未盡,又給大家舉了個新例子,那么這種地方也是很危險的。比如這段,Professor一直結(jié)合美國大峽谷在講Uranium-Lead Dating 這種地質(zhì)測齡技術(shù),然后結(jié)尾的地方說了這么一遭兒:
There are a few pretty exciting possibilities for Uranium-Lead Dating. Here is one that comes to mind. You know the theory that earth’s continents were once joined together and only split apart relatively recently? Well, with Uranium-Lead Dating, we could prove that more conclusively. If they show evidence of once having been joined, that could really tell us a lot about the early history of the planet’s geology.
V 表達新態(tài)度
So now the question is, do we partially restore and rebuild the site before the entire thing disintegrates? It will take a lot of funding to restore it and I am not sure it’ll be made available, which would be a pity. Even a partly altered site can provide valuable information, which would be lost otherwise.
當然,如果結(jié)尾只是對于文章內(nèi)容的一個簡單總結(jié),并沒有什么臥虎藏龍之處,那么同志盡可安心地去走神發(fā)呆玩筆了,這樣的地方是不會出題的。比如下文,文章都在講一種叫Well-made play的一種戲劇形式的重要性和結(jié)構(gòu),然后Professor在結(jié)尾如是說:
So, as I said, the well-made play, this form of playwriting, became the basis for realism in drama, and for a lot of very popular 19th-century plays. And also, a pattern we find in the plots of many later plays and even movies that we see today.
綜上我們看到,文段結(jié)尾只要有新的內(nèi)容就基本100%會出題!這個規(guī)律就和 小新每集頭上肯定打出包、青銅五小強倒下肯定再爬起、紅軍戰(zhàn)士死前肯定交黨費 一樣地肯定。所以當你還在前面一個勁的策馬,到結(jié)尾奔騰不起來,一定挺住挺住挺住。時不時瞄一眼進度條,當進入到文段的后1/4處,文章又出現(xiàn)了我們上述的新內(nèi)容點,就趕緊超級賽亞人mode燥起來吧!
P.S. 學以致用一下。如果老夫?qū)懙倪@篇文章是托福聽力,那么結(jié)尾這一塊出題會在哪呢?顯然是在分割線的下面一段嘛,對不對?上面都在說結(jié)尾能出題的地方,這一段突然說結(jié)尾不會出題的內(nèi)容,這就是在“闡述反論點”。同時,我們也可以看到,最后的一段也只是在對前文進行單純的總結(jié),沒新內(nèi)容沒營養(yǎng),沒有地方能出題,不看也罷。(哎呦,各位同志還是看看哈,老夫絞盡brain juice,怒想三天三夜才憋出來的,捧個場,鼓個掌~)