56. 謝謝為我提供信息。Thanks for the info.
57. 我們休息一會兒吧。Let's take a breather.
58. 這次我請客。It's on me this time.
59. 我們計劃去看場電影。We plan to take in a movie.
60. 我覺得你說到點子上了。I think you've put your finger on it.
61. 什么事讓你煩惱?What's bugging you?
62. 最近他變了個人。He hasn't been himself lately.
63. 我每天大喊英語一個小時。I put in an hour a day speaking English loudly.
64. 這取決你花的時間。It all depends on how much time you'd like to put in.
65. 隨大流。You've jumped on the bandwagon.
66. 你得為此承擔責任。You'll have to answer for that.
67. 我從你這里學到了很多。I learned a lot from you.
68. 我左右為難。I'm really in a bind.
69. 我替你照顧他。I'll take care of him for you.
70. 我們還是找一個折衷的辦法。Let's find a happy medium.
71. 他沉溺于賭博。He's addicted to the gambling.
72. 這令我興奮。It really turns me on.
73. 狂歡。Painting the town red.
74. 這個成語把我搞胡涂了。This idiom baffles me.
75. 你說的我聽不懂。What you said is over my head.
76. 也許我應該扔掉我的語法書,重新開始。
Maybe, I should throw out my grammar books and start from scratch.
77. 猴年馬月。One of these years.
78. 你不懂你的笑話。I don't catch on to jokes you told.
79. 我這人沒有藝術細胞。I'm not artistically-minded.
80. 他的建議對我沒用的。His proposed didn't serve my turn.
81. 你能代替他嗎?Could you fill in for him?
82. 我不擅長即席演講。I'm not good at speaking off the cuff.
83. 我贊成。I'll buy it.
84. 你說的真好。You've never said a truer word.
85. 我婉言謝絕了他們的邀請。I politely refused their invitation.
86. 什么時候開演?What time does the curtain go up?
87. 我受夠他了。I've had it with him.
88. 冷靜點。Keep your cool. Keep your shirt on.
89. 給我一次機會吧?Give me a break, will you?
90. 咱倆誰也別說誰。(半斤八兩)Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
91. 別激動。Don't get excited.
92. 我一時想不起他的名字。I can't think of his name right off the bat.
93. 我們從今以后別吵嘴了。Let's give up arguing from now on.
94. 我聽得是小道消息。I heard it through the grapevine.
95. 眼見為實。I'll believe it when I see it.
96. 他們兩人很相配的。They, are suited to each other.
97. 他們是美滿的夫妻。They're the perfect couple.
98. 讓過去的就過去吧。Let bygones be bygones.
99. 開心的時候會覺得時間飛快。Time flies when you're having fun.
100. 日出的美景真令人心曠神怡。The beauty of the sunrise is really breathtaking.