But the Vatican has never denied the findings of
contemporary astronomy, which is now up to 288
"extrasolar" planets including one whose atmosphere
contains organic molecules, the ingredients of life, as I
blogged in March.
Leonid M. Ozernoy, a prominent Soviet-born
astrophysicist whose campaign to emigrate to the United
States in the 1980's drew international attention, died on
Feb. 28 in a hospital in Silver Spring, Md.
Among the most prestigious science journals that
reporters consult regularly are Nature, Science, The New
EnglandJournal of Medicine and The Journal of the
American Medical Association.
Rather than being entirely a dry wasteland, the
scientists said, the Moon may have enough water, in the
form of small ice crystals mixed in loose dirt, to sustain
lunar colonies and provide fuel for rockets exploring the
solar system.
Viking scientists today were studying radar readings
and photographs of a high plateau on Mars, which
they said teas partly blanketed with haze and had "very
dynamic weather patterns".
Reports are streaming in from the 21st century's
longest total solar eclipse, which unfolded over more than
six minutes on Wednesday morning.
But the big idea, Kenedi says, is to make the ballpark a
really big industry showcase. He reckons it costs at least
$480 for electricity for each game. And while it would
"cost millions", he says, "our intent is to solarize the
whole stadium" by the 2007 All-Star Game.
A: There is no other way whereby we can cross the river
in the heavy rain.
B: There is nothing we can do but wait till the rain ceases.