A: 大家好! 我是楊琳, 歡迎來到這期的美語訓練班!
B: 大家好,我是Kat! 楊琳,趕快來介紹一下今天的節(jié)目內容吧!
A: 沒問題! 今天,咱們要去參加美國的高中派隊,玩玩功夫游戲,聊聊戒煙有什么好辦法,還要告訴大家怎么用美語說“大眾情人”。
B: 大眾情人! Jay Chou ,周杰倫!
A: 哈哈,看來你還是周杰倫的歌迷呢?
B: 嘿嘿,沒錯! 聽他的歌,又能看帥哥,又能學繞口令!
A: 哈哈,You are too funny, Kat! 不過在節(jié)目一開始,咱們還是先花一分種,學一個詞兒!
Learn A Word Binge Drinking
今天我們要學的詞是Binge Drinking, binge is spelled b-i-n-g-e, binge; and drinking, d-r-i-n-k-i-n-g, drinking. Binge 是名詞,放縱,binge drinking 意思是狂飲,酗酒。歐洲的研究人員發(fā)現,The more scenes of alcohol use teens watched on the big screen, the greater their risk of binge drinking. 對青少年來說,看電影中喝酒的劇情越多,自己出去暴飲買醉的可能性就越大。最近美國各地學校都在放春假,Highway safety organizations warn that Spring Break binge drinking can lead to dangerous drivers on the road. 高速公路安全組織警告說,春假期間的暴飲可能會讓路上出現馬路殺手。好的,今天我們學習的詞是binge drinking, binge drinking, binge drinking.
B: Remember that one time at our house party when you binged and ended up singing and dancing all night?
A: What? 你說我喝酒喝到在party上亂唱亂跳! 才不是! 你知道我酒量特別小的! I only had one bottle of beer!
B: 哈哈,真的嗎?
A: 當然是真的! 我記得那次忘了邀請我的好朋友Sam一起去,她還挺生氣的...
B: Oops, that's not good. Did you guys clear the air later?
A:We did! 幸好她通情達理,I invited her out for coffee, and explained that I forgot to invite her only because I had too much work that week. 她也就沒放在心上了!
B: That's great! 在今天的words and idioms里,我們就要來教你怎么跟你別人"Clear the air"!
A: Let's listen and find out!
Words and Idioms
現在播送<美國習慣用語>第 959講。我是楊琳。
我是 Douglas Johnson.
今天我想問問聽眾朋友,當你跟別人發(fā)生分歧的時候,你會怎么處理? 是裝做沒有事情發(fā)生? 是自己生悶氣? 是就此跟朋友絕交? 還是跟對方坐下來好好談談,努力解決分歧呢? 如果你選擇最后一個解決方案,Bingo! 這就是我們今天要教的習慣用語:
M:Clear the air. Clear is spelled c-l-e-a-r; and air, a-i-r. Clear-the-air.
女: Clear 清除,air 空氣,連起來 to clear the air 清除兩人間不愉快的氣氛,其實就是“消除隔閡”的意思。每次我要是和朋友有什么不愉快我都會這么做,clear the air. 坦誠的談談問題,其實你們會發(fā)現,沒有什么是不能解決的。說到這,你是不是也有寫電子郵件被誤解的時候? 下面的例子里,一個領導要告訴我們,如果下屬誤解了他的郵件他會怎么做,讓我們來聽聽看:
M: "One of my assistants got really upset with me over an e-mail I wrote her. She felt that I was criticizing her for not doing her job right. But my intent was to offer some helpful suggestions. I've invited her out for coffee this afternoon. I'd like to CLEAR THE AIR. I'm hoping to explain what I meant, so that she doesn't feel upset anymore."
[這段話是說: 因為我寫的一封電子郵件,我的一名助理很不高興。她以為我是在批評她工作做得不好,但實際上我只是想給她提一些建議。我邀請她下午一起去喝咖啡。我想跟她消除隔閡,解釋一下我真正的意思,希望她不再難過了。]
女:這就是為什么我對寫email特別小心。很多時候一個詞,你寫的是一個意思,別人看就是另一種語氣。所以對我來說,I prefer face-to-face conversation over e-mail. 比起電子郵件,我更喜歡面對面的談話。好了,讓我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:
M: "One of my assistants got really upset with me over an e-mail I wrote her. She felt that I was criticizing her for not doing her job right. But my intent was to offer some helpful suggestions. I've invited her out for coffee this afternoon. I'd like to CLEAR THE AIR. I'm hoping to explain what I meant, so that she doesn't feel upset anymore."
M: "When mom asked me if she could move in with me after dad died, I told her I needed to think about it. It's not that I don't love her. It's just that I live so far away that she wouldn't be able to see her friends or enjoy her life like before. Fortunately, over dinner last night, we CLEARED THE AIR. She realized that her happiness is very important to me."
[這段話是說: 爸爸過世后,媽媽問我能不能搬來和我一起住。我告訴她我需要考慮一下。其實,我不是不愛媽媽,而是我住得太遠,搬來跟我一起住,她就沒法向以前那樣去見朋友,像以前那樣享受生活了。還好,昨天吃晚飯時我們消除了隔閡。她意識到,她的快樂對我來說是非常重要的。]
女: 真高興聽到這母女倆能消除隔閡。在很多文化里,子女是要照顧年長的父母的。但其實,有時候讓老人離開她熟悉的環(huán)境并不是一件好事。Both parties should be willing to have a frank conversation, it could save everyone from CLEARING THE AIR later on. 雙方應該開誠布公地談談,這樣日后就不用再去消除隔閡了。好的,我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:
M: "When mom asked me if she could move in with me after dad died, I told her I needed to think about it. It's not that I don't love her. It's just that I live so far away that she wouldn't be able to see her friends or enjoy her life like before. Fortunately, over dinner last night, we CLEARED THE AIR. She realized that her happiness is very important to me."
今天我們學習的習慣用語是CLEAR THE AIR,意思是“消除隔閡”。
A: 我覺得,只要大家都肯心平氣和地坐下來好好談談,沒有什么是不能解決的。
B: I agree with the boss in the show. I personally don't like emails, because it's hard to see other peoples' reactions through emails or even over the phone. Face to face communication is the best way to clear the air.
A: Definitely! 好了,學會了怎么消除隔閡,咱們是不是該來點輕松好玩的了? 我們要帶大家去看看大眾情人用美語怎么說!
How to say it in American English: Lady Killer
Jessica 在北京學中文,她的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎么說的詞,就會來請教她。今天是怡茹要問的:大眾情人。
Jessica:Hey 怡茹, what's your plan for the weekend?
YR: 我原來大學的同學組了個樂隊,今晚在酒吧表演,怎么樣?要不要一起來?
Jessica: 那,得看樂隊成員帥不帥呀?
YR: 那你一定得來! 我這些同學都是大學里的校草級人物,主唱更是人帥脾氣好,大學的時候簡直是大眾情人啊!
Jessica: Ha! Sounds like a lady killer to me!
YR: Lady killer? 女性...殺手?
Jessica: No! A lady killer refers to a man who's extremely charming and women just throw themselves at him. These guys are usually very good-looking.
YR: 這簡直就是我那個同學的寫照!Every girl dreamt of dating him in college. He's such a lady killer! 盡管如此,他人卻特別隨和,一點也不難伺候! 不像我男朋友,動不動就不高興,我簡直受夠了!
Jessica: Hmm, I didn't know that your boyfriend is a high-maintenance guy.
YR: High maintenance? 高級維修?我倒不用維修我男朋友...
Jessica: Haha Yiru, when you say someone is high-maintenance, it means he or she is really hard to satisfy.
YR: 哦,我懂了,就是難伺候!My boyfriend is definitely high-maintenance. He's constantly complaining, and can easily get upset!
Jessica: I'm sorry Yiru. You know what? Maybe you will have a shot with that lady killer classmate.
YR: 我?我可配不上他。對了,這個“配不上”用美語怎么說?
Jessica: You can say A is out of B's league. 意思就是A配不上B。But Yiru, a nice girl like you deserves someone awesome! I don't think any guy is out of YOUR league!
YR: 呵呵,謝謝你 Jessica! 那你晚上跟我一起來哦!
Jessica: Sure. I'll go with you. Before we get ready for the party, tell me what you've learned today!
YR: 第一,大眾情人叫做 lady killer;
第二,形容某人難伺候可以用 high-maintenance;
第三,配不上,叫做 out of someone's league!
A: High-maintenance guys...ehhh 我可不想有個難伺候的男朋友...
B: 對啊! I try to avoid high-maintenance people in general. They are so hard to deal with.
A: 怎么? 看起來你有親身經歷?
B: Yeah...I knew this girl in high school who drove me crazy. She always wanted to be the center of everything and the focus of attention for every handsome guy. If she didn't get her way, she would just throw a fit and ruin the fun for all of us.
A: 啊! 就是那種什么都要爭風頭的人,真難搞。不過說起來,我高中的時候光學習了,都沒參加什么派對。你呢,Kat?
B: I actually had some really great parties in high school! Especially the theme parties主題派對,where people dressed up according to certain themes. It's a great way to shop for new clothes, and meet new people!
A:今天的美語三級跳里,我們的主人公Heather 和Jeremy就要討論怎么準備去參加PARTY.
B: Let's listen!
GoEnglish: High School: Intermediate
Heather和Jeremy是高中同學。Heather把作業(yè)借Jeremy抄,Jeremy請她去參加派對。今天,Heather 去問Jeremy,去參加派對,自己要作什么準備。
Professor: That's right, Winnie. But don't you think it's strange that Heather needs help preparing to go to a party?
Heather: Wow Jeremy, I'm so excited to go to your party this weekend! I'm sure it's going to be a lot of fun.
Jeremy: That's great. I'm really excited too. But I hope a lot of people don't crash the party. My house is only big enough for the people I invited.
Heather: That's really rude! But Jeremy, can I ask you a few questions about the party? You see, I've never been to a party before.
Jeremy: What? You've never been to a party before?
哦,原來 Heather從來沒參加過朋友的派對,所以才去問Jeremy應該作哪些準備。不過,Professor Bowman, Jeremy說,希望別人不要“crash the party”,難道他怕有人來搗亂么?
Professor: Winnie, you can say that someone "crashes" a party if he goes without being invited.
哦,crash a party 就是未經邀請擅自闖進派對,做不速之客。Professor, 美國人都喜歡這么做么?
Professor: If it's a small party and everybody knows you weren't invited, crashing the party is rude. If it's a huge party and nobody notices ... well ...
Jeremy: What do you mean you've never been to a party? How is that possible?
Heather: Well .... I usually spend my weekends studying. So what time do you think the party will start? 6pm? 7pm?
Jeremy: Are you kidding? Parties don't start until late, like 10pm.
Heather: 10pm??? But my curfew is at 10pm.
Jeremy: Just make up an excuse. Tell your parents you're sleeping at a friend's house.
Jeremy真夠可以的,抄別人作業(yè),還讓別人對父母撒謊! 他叫Heather編個理由騙父母,說她在朋友家住一晚,其實偷偷跑出來參加party!
Professor: Exactly. But Winnie, do you know what a "curfew" is?
curfew, 我猜就是“宵禁”,一到這個時間,就必須回家睡覺。
Professor: Right. So Heather says she is supposed to be home just when the party is starting.
Heather: Well Jeremy, what do you think I should wear? Should I wear something formal or casual?
Jeremy: Uh, Heather? We're in high school. I don't think anybody even has any formal clothes in their wardrobe.
Heather: Ok, so you think I should dress down? Should I wear jeans and a tee-shirt?
Jeremy: Yeah, definitely wear something casual. It's not going to be a very fancy party, so there's no reason to dress up.
Heather問Jeremy,應該穿得formal--正式” ,還是 casual--“隨意”,也就是說,是要dress up--穿正裝,還是dress down--隨便穿。
Professor: Exactly. And what does Jeremy say?
Professor: Exactly. The word "wardrobe" can mean the collection of clothing belonging to one person. For example, "I had to buy a whole new wardrobe because I gained 20 pounds over the winter."
Heather: Alright Jeremy, I think I'm ready. I promise you, I'm going to be the life of the party. I'll be there at 10pm.
Jeremy: Actually, there is one more thing I have to teach you. You have to be fashionably late.
Heather: What? You mean I should be late to the party?
Jeremy: That's right. You have to make people think you are so cool, and have so many other exciting things to do, that you couldn't be there on time.
Heather: Wow .... so the later I come, the more people think I am really cool?
Jeremy: Yeah. And if you really want to look cool, don't go to the party at all!
Jeremy教Heather,她在party時故意晚到,以顯示自己的社交生活豐富而繁忙! 對了,professor, The life of the party is the most fun and exciting person there, who makes the party fun for everyone else.
哦,就是派對上的焦點人物! 啊...我估計Heather當不了這個life of the party!
Professor: Well, listen next time to find out!
A: Heather 從來沒參加過party, 所以Jeremy 給了她一些小貼士。他說高中派對可以dress down隨便穿,而且要be fashionably late 故意晚到,顯示自己社交生活豐富,這樣才能 be the life of the party 成為派對焦點!
B: Haha, I'm telling you, being fashionably late is a good trick to get attention at parties.
A: Really? Sounds like somebody is very experienced!
B:哈哈,我可不是個party animal! 但是我喜歡跟朋友一起去派對,又熱鬧又好玩!But sometimes parties aren't so great. 上星期我就去了一個party, 結果那里好多人都在吸煙! I couldn't even breathe!
A: 沒錯,我也很不喜歡煙味,其實我知道很多吸煙的人都想戒煙,但是想要一下子戒掉煙癮,真的很難!
B:對啊! 今天的business etiquette里介紹了一些戒煙的好方法,咱們一起去聽一聽!