Not bad
this orange is in bad
she is in bad
she is on the right track
this will work
this pomp will not work
it's a good idea
a little bit more
that's not bad
sound good
how about sherry
sound good
sound great
sound terrific
tastes good
smells good
I fall in love with the shoes
I like them
she is my type
she isn't my type
that lady is my type
I like to go out with her
it is hot air
by god
you are just my type
I miss you
I can live without you
I will still love you
I will think of you
I may to give all my love to you
I will do any thing for you
I crazy about you
you are always in my dreams
I fall in love with you
do me a favor, will you?
will you do me a favor
I have a big favor to ask of you
I have a little favor to ask of you
you can do if you feel fit?
you have a free hand
I mean it
do you mean it
I really mean what I say
do you really mean what you say
stop saying games
it's not a joking matter
she is always cracking cheating jokes
give the matter considerable thought
well,I gem to the party
who cares
it doesn't make any difference to me
I don't care
she doesn't care
we don't care
to be frank with you
to be frank with you,I don't
she was killed in a accident
If I may have my say, you are wrong
you are quite strip poored
split it out
let me stay out of this
that's a diffent story
it is another story now
oh, you story
you are asking too much
I can't do that
you are asking too much
you are talking to much
let me think it over
it is between you and me
it just between us,
this is a secret between us.
the wall has ears
harsh harsh
let's keep our voice down
this is my personal opinion
this is my very personal opinion
but I can't trust her
they are having a private talk
it is a confidential matter
you are go getter
she is a gogo person
he is a gogo salesman
she is raping girl
she is as busy as be
come one , come out
first come,first served
take care pick
first of all
at first sight
the first too last
first thing
remeber, I will made this time
be in on it
I am in
I am in
the sign boarn is on the wall
it is been in on my mind
she is in on it
is he in on it
let me in on it
just leave it to me
I am going to drop out from the group
he is left out of the party
this idea is ended too
money changes hands
money talks
money makes money
no work no money
money gone friends gone
he is a mosenery
money is everything
seeing is believing
if you see it with you own eyes,you can believe it
let's go and take a look at it
seeing is believing you know
believe me
believe it or not
believe it or not,she has four children
show me the proof
there is no evidence to prove this
add the charged to my bill
Put the charg on my bill
how much did you charge me
I was charged 100$
bill please
check please
it is 10$ bill
brand new billes