The palace is the largest and the best-preserved royal garden in the world with the richest cultural connotation,hence it is honored as a the museum of royal gardens. Its general layout makes full use of the hill and the lake,together with the borrowed views from the peaks of the west mountain,which brings about infinite scenery variations with exceeding beauty. The buildings in the palace are the architectural cream from all parts of China. The administrative and residential areas in the east of the palace are typical of the quadrangle in northern China,where the enclosed courtyards are connected by various roofed causeways. The lake area in its south,however,is an imitation of West Lake of Hangzhou, where a dyke divides the lake in two,thus giving it an obvious touch of southern China landscape. On the north side of Longevity Hill,the scene is that of Tibetan masery,where stand white pagodas and buildings like blockhouses And in north,the Suzhou Market Street,with all kinds of shops and its crisscrossing water courses,is again in the style of the waterscape in southern China. 頤和園是世界上建筑規(guī)模最大,保存最完整,文化內涵最豐富的皇家御苑,被譽為皇家園林博物館。全園以山湖形式巧做安排,以西山群峰借景,使園內景色變幻無窮,美不勝收園內建筑吸收了中國各地建筑的精華。東部的宮殿區(qū)和內廷區(qū),是典型的北方四合院風格。一個個封閉的院落山游廊連通;南部的湖泊區(qū)是仿杭州西湖景色,一道西堤把湖泊一分為二,具有一濃郁的江南情調;萬壽山的北面,是典型的西藏喇嘛廟宇風格,有白塔及城堡式建筑,北部的蘇州街,店鋪林立,水道縱橫,又是典型的江南水鄉(xiāng)風格。