那么,準備講演的恰當方法是什么呢?現(xiàn)在我來告訴你。你要在生活中留意那些有意義的、曾經(jīng)給你指引的有關(guān)人生內(nèi)涵的經(jīng)驗,然后把從這些經(jīng)驗中獲取的思想、理念、感悟等匯集整理好。真正有用的準備,是你對講演題目的深思。和查爾斯·雷諾·柏朗博士多年前在耶魯大學(xué)演講時說的一樣:“深思你的題目,醞釀成熟,漫溢思想的馨香……再把所有這些意念寫下,簡單得只要能表達清楚概念就可以……把它們寫在紙片上……通過這樣的整理,零散的片斷就容易安排和組織起來?!甭犉饋聿⒉浑y吧?實際上也真的不難,只需要有一點兒專注和思考就行了。What, then, is the proper method of preparing a talk? Simply this: search your background for significant-experiences that have taught you something about life, and assemble your thoughts, your ideas, your convictions, that have welled up from these experiences. True preparation means brooding over your topics. As Dr.Charles Reynold Brown said some years ago in a memorable series of lectures at Yale University, "Brood over your topic until it becomes mellow and expansive ... then put all these ideas down in writing, just a few words, enough to fix the idea ... put them down on scraps of paper-you will find it easier to arrange and organize these loose bits when you come to set your material in order." This doesn't sound like such a difficult program, does it? It isn't. It just requires a little concentration and thinking to a purpose.