Stan Korabelnikov, the creative mind behind 'Proidemtes' comics, invites everyone to his Instagram feed with the opening line: "Sometimes it's funny here," and you won't be disappointed if you are in for a splash of lighthearted humor that will brighten your day. The artist expresses his random ideas and thoughts about life through playful comics featuring lovable characters such as animals, foods, inanimate objects, and occasionally people. What started as a way to cheer up his friends is now growing into something that will entertain masses online.
"As long as I can remember, I draw things all the time. Well, to be honest, all of my comics were made just for fun. Some of them are to cheer up my friends. And it's always nice when someone smiles because of you, isn't it?" the artist told Bored Panda.
So dive into the amusing world of 'Proidemtes' comics and let us know if the mission of making you smile is accomplished!
More info: Instagram | Facebook