It doesn't always happen at a decent time,this engine can start at 3:00 in the morning or when you're trying to have a much-needed nap.
Well,your cat in fact doesn't hate you,quite the contrary,purring is the way a cat expresses love.
According to scientists,purring can also be a sign of worry or discomfort.
But if your cat is purring by your side,you can be sure that they are expressing their attachment to you.
If you have a little furry tail following you along the route,kitchen bathroom,bedroom,again...
Be happy,it doesn't mean your cat is hungry and demands food.And no,you don't need to play with her immediately,this is how cats express their wish to spend time with their owners.
If your cat is following you at your heels,it means she likes your company.If he nibbles your skin,that's what i could easily live without you could say,probably.
But remember that your cat doesn't really wants to hurt you,if provoked when you play with him the cat might start to chew lightly on the opponent's hand.
But this is just playful fighting,there might be another reason.Mommy cats usually nibble their kittens when they tidy them up,so it's a sign of love.
Probably your cat tries to show you the same affection.If she sticks close to you and winds herself around your legs...
Yes,it's distracting;yes,you can trip over her;yes,it slows you down.But do you know what it mean if your cat rubs against you?
By leaving her scent on you,you cat is letting potential competitors know that you belong to her.Cats are known for being possessive and jealous,but this is also how they demonstrate tenderness and attention.
If she bends the tip of her tail when she looks at you.And cats tail is a really cool thing,actually it serves as a barometer of a cat's mood.
When your cats extends her tail straight up and bends only the tip,this is a sign of curiosity and friendly attitude towards you.
Another explanation is that the cat feels particularly playful and wants to have some fun with you.If he has a staring contest with you...
We,humans,consider staring rude,that's why some people who don't like cats misinterpret cats stares as evil.But cats etiquette is quite different,in their body language long staring means friendliness and intense interest.
So the next time you find yourself under your cat's unblinking stare,take it as a compliment.You are interesting,cats are a little like many men,if they can't take their eyes off you,it means they love you.
If he isn't afraid to show his belly...
If you fur ball exposes his belly,it may be a sign of complete relaxation.Cats do this when they feel comfortable,content and happy.
It may be as well an invitation to rub their tummy,a great gift to you in any cat's opinion.But what is even more likely,this is a sign of a high level of attachment felt by the cat towards you,it shows how much your cat trusts you.