巴黎——即便是在一個優(yōu)秀秋展云集的城市,從大皇宮(Grand Palais)的埃爾·格列柯(El Greco)回顧展,到路易·威登基金會(Fondation Louis Vuitton)的夏洛特·佩里安(Charlotte Perriand)展覽,這里的本季重頭戲,仍是十年磨一劍的盧浮宮列奧納多·達·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)展。這場深入而嚴肅的展覽的限時門票已經賣到了十一月底,它將破除縈繞在這位產量最低的文藝復興大師身上的許多迷思。在這里,你將看到一個更潔凈、更有生氣的列奧納多——或者至少你將在樓下的展覽中看到,他的五幅盧浮宮藏畫中的四幅被搬到了樓下。
Upstairs, where Leonardo’s most famous work remains, is still a fiasco.
The Louvre houses the greatest collection of art anywhere in Europe, within a palace that is a masterpiece in its own right. It is, by some distance, the most popular museum in the world. In 2018 a record 10 million visitors, three-quarters of them foreign tourists, besieged the joint: up 25 percent on the previous year, and more than triple the attendance of the Centre Pompidou or the Musée d’Orsay.
盧浮宮擁有全歐洲最偉大的藝術收藏,這座宮殿本身就是一件杰作。它是世界上最受歡迎的博物館,甩開第二名許多。2018年,創(chuàng)紀錄的1000萬游客——其中四分之三是外國游客——涌入這個地方:比前一年增加了25%,是蓬皮杜中心(Centre Pompidou)或奧賽博物館(Musée d’Orsay)游客人數的三倍多。
Yet the Louvre is being held hostage by the Kim Kardashian of 16th-century Italian portraiture: the handsome but only moderately interesting Lisa Gherardini, better known (after her husband) as La Gioconda, whose renown so eclipses her importance that no one can even remember how she got famous in the first place.
而盧浮宮卻已被16世紀意大利肖像畫中的金·卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)劫持:俊美卻只是略微有趣的麗莎·蓋拉爾迪尼(Lisa Gherardini)——人稱(隨夫姓)拉·喬孔達(La Gioconda)——她的名望遠遠超過了自身的重要性,以至于甚至無人記得她最初是如何成名的。
Some 80 percent of visitors, according to the Louvre’s research, are here for the Mona Lisa — and most of them leave unhappy. Content in the 20th century to be merely famous, she has become, in this age of mass tourism and digital narcissism, a black hole of anti-art who has turned the museum inside out.
This past summer, amid 100-degree-plus heat, the Louvre undertook a renovation of the Mona Lisa’s gallery: the arching Salle des États, in the museum’s Denon wing, which once housed Parliament of France. What a mess this was. Relocated to the Richelieu painting wing, the Mona Lisa reduced the museum’s Flemish collection into wallpaper for a cattle pen, where guards shooed along irritated, sweaty selfie-snappers who’d endured a half-hour line. The overcrowding was so bad, the museum had to shut its doors on several days. “The Louvre is suffocating,” said a statement from the union of the museum’s security staff, who went on strike.
剛剛過去的夏天,在超過37度的高溫下,盧浮宮對《蒙娜麗莎》的展廳——位于德農館(Denon)的拱形眾國廳(Salle des États)——進行了翻修,那里曾是法國議會所在地。這真是一團糟?!睹赡塞惿钒岬嚼枞麴^(Richelieu)后,盧浮宮的弗拉芒畫派藏品已經淪為牛棚里的墻紙,保安驅趕著怒氣沖沖、汗流浹背、已經忍受了半小時長隊的自拍者們。過度擁擠如此嚴重,以至于博物館不得不關門好幾天。“盧浮宮快窒息了,”發(fā)起罷工的盧浮宮保安人員工會發(fā)表聲明說。
Now the Mona Lisa is back in her regular spot, on a freestanding wall that’s been repainted an admittedly chic Prussian blue. (Louis Frank, one of the two curators of the Leonardo retrospective, told me there was never any possibility of including the Mona Lisa in the show. The exhibition can “only” be visited by 5,000 people per day; the Salle des États gets 30,000.)
現在,《蒙娜麗莎》又回到了她原來的位置,掛在一面獨立的墻上,墻上重新刷了一種不得不承認很別致的普魯士藍。(列奧納多回顧展的兩名策展人之一路易斯·弗蘭克[Louis Frank]告訴我,把《蒙娜麗莎》納入展覽絕無可能。展覽每天“只能”接待5000人參觀;眾國廳要接待3萬人。)
The Louvre does not have an overcrowding problem per se. It has a Mona Lisa problem. No other iconic painting — not Botticelli’s “Birth of Venus” at the Uffizi in Florence, not Klimt’s “Kiss” at the Belvedere in Vienna, not “Starry Night” at the Museum of Modern Art in New York — comes anywhere close to monopolizing its institution like she does. And if tourist numbers continue to rise, if last year’s 10 million visitors become next year’s 11 or 12, the place is going to crack.
It is time for the Louvre to admit defeat. It is time for the Mona Lisa to go.