This is for when your car’s like an oven.
The National Weather Service in Omaha, Neb., baked biscuits in a car Friday amid a major heat wave in the Northeast and Midwest.
“If you are wondering if it’s going to be hot today, we are attempting to bake biscuits using only the sun and a car in our parking lot,” NWS Omaha tweeted, along with an image of four raw biscuits on a metal tray inside a car.
Within 45 minutes, the dough had begun to rise, the NWS said.
After an hour, the pan had reached 175 degrees, and the tops of the biscuits were at 153 degrees.
“This is a good time to remind everyone that your car does in fact get deadly hot. Look before you lock!,” the NWS said.
“這是一個很好的時機來提醒大家,你的車真的變得非常熱。 確定出門之前先看看!”國家氣象局說。
Four hours later, the tops of the biscuits were golden, but the bottoms remained doughy.
The NWS team turned the car slightly to adjust it to changing angle of the sun — and the backseat temperature eventually reached 144.5 degrees.
After baking in the sun for nearly eight hours, the biscuits were edible, but the middle remained “pretty doughy.”
The pan maxed out at a blazing 185 degrees.