“I always loved the feeling of going to a dentist’s office and them putting the lead blanket on my body for X-rays,” says Andrea DeVos Abraham, a 29-year-old Tribeca resident. Last spring, she purchased a Gravity Blanket — a cult favorite frequently tagged on Instagram — and has been thrilled with the purchase.Mosaic Weighted Blankets launched in 2011, initially targeting kids with sensory issues, but it now offers adult blankets for general anxiety and better sleep.
They’re priced from $175 to $289, and customers are recommended to choose a blanket that’s roughly 10 percent of their ideal body weight.“I say [it’s] great if it helps you sleep, but I’d much rather people put away their phones and go to bed at a reasonable hour,” says Nancy Rothstein, a sleep expert and director of Circadian Corporate Sleep Programs. “All the beautiful weighted blankets in the world won’t help you if you have poor sleep habits.”