頤和園是中國現(xiàn)存規(guī)模最大的皇家園林,其前身為清漪園 (Qingyi Yuan)。頤和園的主景區(qū)由萬壽山 (Longevity Hill)和昆明湖 (Kunming Lake)組成,全園占地2.9平方公里,其中水面面積約占四分之三。頤和園始建于1750年,歷時15年竣工。1860年被英法聯(lián)軍燒毀。1886年,清政府開始對其進行重建,并于兩年后取用今名。1900年,頤和園又遭入侵中國的八國聯(lián)軍破壞,1902年得以修復。中華人民共和國成立后,頤和園幾經(jīng)修繕。現(xiàn)在,頤和園是一個旅游勝地,同時也是一座休閑公園。
1. 皇家園林:翻譯為imperial garden。imperial意為“皇帝的,皇室的”。
2. 歷時15年竣工:翻譯為be completed fifteen years later。由于前文中講到了頤和園開始修建的時間,故而此處可以靈活采用fifteen years later來表示其完成修建的時間。
3. 被英法聯(lián)軍燒毀:翻譯為was burned down by the Anglo-French Allied Forces。其中,burn down為固定用法,意為“燒毀”。the Anglo-French Allied Forces意為“英法聯(lián)軍”。
4. 于兩年后取用今名:翻譯為renamed it two years later as what is called now,也可直接譯為renamed it two years later as the Summer Palace。
5. 頤和園是一個旅游勝地,同時也是一座休閑公園:翻譯為the Summer Palace is a popular tourist destination as well as a recreational park。其中,tourist destination意為“旅游景點”,recreational意為“娛樂的,消遣的”。
The Summer Palace
The Summer Palace, which was originally named Qingyi Yuan, is the largest imperial garden existing in China. It mainly consists of the Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake, covering an area of 2.9 square kilometers, three quarters of which is water. It was first constructed in 1750 and was completed fifteen years later. In 1860, the Summer Palace was burned down by the Anglo-French Allied Forces. The government of the Qing Dynasty started to rebuild it in 1886 and renamed it two years later as what is called now. In 1900, the imperial garden was ravaged by the Eight-Power Allied Forces that invaded China. The damage was repaired in 1902. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Summer Palace has undergone several renovations. Nowadays, the Summer Palace is a tourist destination as well as a recreational park.
頤和園位于北京市海淀區(qū),是中國現(xiàn)存的保存最為完整的皇家園林。頤和園集傳統(tǒng)造園藝術之大成,萬壽山、昆明湖構成其基本框架,借景周圍的山水環(huán)境,飽含中國皇家園林的恢弘富麗氣勢,又充滿自然之趣。園中主要景點大致分為三個區(qū)域:以莊重威嚴的仁壽殿為代表的政治活動區(qū),是清朝末期慈禧太后(Empress Dowager Cixi)與光緒帝從事內政、外交政治活動的主要場所;以樂壽堂、玉瀾堂、宜蕓館等庭院為代表的生活區(qū),是慈禧、光緒及后妃(empress and imperial concubines)居住的地方;另外就是以萬壽山和昆明湖等組成的風景游覽區(qū)。頤和園以杭州西湖(the West Lake)風景為藍本,是汲取江南園林的某些設計手法和意境而建成的一座大型山水園林,被譽為皇家園林博物館。