Confronted with the nervous relationship between parents and children, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, parents should spend much time on communicating with their children. Parents can know their children better by having a conversation with them. For another, children are supposed to put themselves in their parents’ shoes. For instance, sometimes, parents may be strict to us, but we know that they just want us to be better.
Personally, I believe that listening plays an extremely important role in the relationship between parents and children. To put it in another way, you can listen to your parents instead of quarrelling with them. I hope the relationship between parents and children can be handled through the efforts of both parents and children。
此篇作文考察的話題是與我們日常生活相關聯的親子關系話題。題目要求我們針對如何最好地處理父母與孩子之間的關系寫一篇作文。文章主題明朗,但需要同學們知道handle(處理)一詞的含義。接著, 我們就可以按照之前講過的議論文類型之一——問題解決型的寫作方法開始寫作。