A: What a great picture, I'm guessing it's Holland, right?
B: Yes, of course! The windmills must have given it away.
A: There are lots in Holland and some are very old, but they have been preserved perfectly. I saw them when I was travelling around Europe last summer.
B: There are lots of different types, too. This one here is a drainage mill, but there are also corn mills and industrial mills for all kinds of purposes.
A: I just think they brighten up the landscape, especially in a country as flat as Holland, standing tall against the horizon with their sails whirling in the air.
B: I agree. Did you know Cervantes wrote about Don Quixote's famous attack on the windrnills ?
A: Yes, not just that though. There are many paintings of the East Anglian countryside in England by John Constable, whose family owned mills.
B: The windmill has played a pan in the historic and artistit, as well as economic, development of Westem civilization.
A: Holland comes to mind first as the windmill capital of the world, but England's windmills were equally plentiful and important to the economy of the country.
B: Yes, that's why there are so many' paintings of them. They were frrst used in Europe in the 12th century.
A: That's certainjy a long time ago. The first one was built in Yorkshire in England, not Holland.
B: Oh, really? I thought the oldest ones must have been in Holland. I wonder why people started using them? I mean. I know they were used to grind grain. but why?
A: I think it was to save on man power. Imagine how tiring it must have been to grind grain by hand, the windmill was definitely an inspired addition to energy sources.
B: In Holland the drainage windmills are the most important, because lots of Holland is actually lower than the sea level.
A: Nowadays the renwning ones are just for tourists, they don'r use them for keeping the canal and sea levels down anymore.
B: The sea defences have been greatly improved, they don't really need them. I'm glad they kept them though, even if they are just for tourists.