What did I want? And why couldn’t I know what I wanted, even when I was perfectly ready to be brutal in my admissions?
Perhaps the very least I wanted was for him to tell me that there was nothing wrong with me, that I was no less human than any other young man my age. I would have been satisfied and asked for nothing else than if he’d bent down and picked up the dignity I could so effortlessly have thrown at his feet.
I was Glaucus and he was Diomedes14. In the name of some obscure cult among men, I was giving him my golden armor for his bronze. Fair exchange. Neither haggled, just as neither spoke of thrift or extravagance.
The word “friendship” came to mind. But friendship, as defined by everyone, was alien, fallow stuff I cared nothing for. What I may have wanted instead, from the moment he stepped out of the cab to our farewell in Rome, was what all humans ask of one another, what makes life livable. It would have to come from him first. Then possibly from me.
There is a law somewhere that says that when one person is thoroughly smitten with the other, the other must unavoidably be smitten as well. Amor ch’a null’amato amar perdona. Love, which exempts no one who’s loved from loving, Francesca’s15 words in the Inferno16. Just wait and be hopeful. I was hopeful, though perhaps this was what I had wanted all along. To wait forever.
As I sat there working on transcriptions at my round table in the morning, what I would have settled for was not his friendship, not anything. Just to look up and find him there, suntan lotion, straw hat, red bathing suit, lemonade. To look up and find you there, Oliver. For the day will come soon enough when I’ll look up and you’ll no longer be there.
我記得在哪兒聽過一個法則:當?A?完全迷戀?B?的時候,B?必定無可避免地也愛上了?A。Amor ch'a null'amato amar perdona. “愛,讓每一個被愛的人無可豁免地也要去愛”——這是弗蘭西斯卡在《地獄篇》里說的話。耐心等待并充滿希望。我抱著希望,永遠等待——或許這才正是我一直想要的。