1、 開(kāi)口就說(shuō) Open your mouth
cover: 入場(chǎng)費(fèi)(不包括飲料和吃東西的費(fèi)用)
How much to get in?
How much is the cover?
I’m broke. 我很窮
2、 學(xué)來(lái)就用 Let’s practice
What do you consider your weaknesses?
What are your weaknesses?
I guess that I don’t always follow up on things as much as I would like.
Anything else?
I’m sure I have other weak sports nothing major.
What do you consider your weaknesses?
I do not have really strong math skills.
Those are not necessary for this job.
Tell me about your weaknesses.
I have a hard time keeping my desk organized.
Why is that?
Everytime I get it organized I mess it up again.
3、 天天進(jìn)步 Make progress everyday
如何在銀行開(kāi)戶頭 bank account
a. Can I get duplicate checks?
b. If I lose my checks what do I do?
c. What are the bank hours?