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   在這一課里, 我們要學(xué)習(xí)形容詞比較級, 像是: "比較高", "比較好" 等等.現(xiàn)在我們先聽一段對話,  內(nèi)容是說亨利跟他表妹蘇珊在電話里話家常. 我請兩位英文老師用正常速度念這段對話, 請你注意聽英文老師的發(fā)音和語調(diào).

   M: Hello, Susan. How is everything in New York?
   F:  Never better, Henry. How are you? How is the family?
   M: Everyone's fine. But actually, I'm feeling a little tired these days.
   F:  You're getting older, Henry, and you are heavier than you used to be.
   M: Everyone gets older. But you look younger than ever.  What's your secret?
   F:  There  is  no  secret.  I  get  more    exercise  than  you. And  I  am  careful  about  my  diet. You should too.
   M: You are right. When the weather is warmer, I'll do it.
   F:  No, Henry. You should start now.
   M: Okey. I will start today. Thank you for the advice.

   現(xiàn)在我們把整段對話再聽一遍. 可是英文老師念得比較慢, 你注意聽, 看看能懂多少.

   M: Hello, Susan. How is everything in New York?
   F:  Never better, Henry. How are you? How is the family?
   M: Everyone's fine. But actually, I'm feeling a little tired these days.
   F:  You're getting older, Henry, and you are heavier than you used to be.
   M: Everyone gets older. But you look younger than ever. What's your secret?
   F:  There  is  no  secret.  I  get  more    exercise  than  you. And  I  am  careful  about my  diet. You should too.
   M: You are right. When the weather is warmer, I'll do it.
   F:  No, Henry. You should start now.
   M: Okey. I will start today. Thank you for the advice.

   在剛才那段對話里有不少比較級用法,    現(xiàn)在我挑出幾個例子,  請英文老師用慢速度再念一遍給你聽:

   F:  Never better.
   F:  You're getting older.
   F:  You are heavier than you used to be.
   M: Everyone gets older.
   M: You look younger than ever.
   M: When the weather is warmer, I'll do it.


   聽了剛才那段對話, 也許你已經(jīng)注意到在英文里形容詞比較級就是在一般短的形容詞后面加上 e-r,  比方 "高"  是 tall,    t-a-l-l, tall, "比較高" 就是 taller, t-a-l-l-e-r, taller.
下面我們給你舉一些例子比較亨利和蘇珊兩個人誰老,誰年輕,誰胖,誰瘦, 誰高,誰矮等等. 每個句子我們念兩遍, 請你聽一遍, 跟著老師重復(fù)一遍.

   M: Henry is older; Susan is younger.
   F:  Henry is older; Susan is younger.
   M: Henry is fatter; Susan is thinner.
   F:  Henry is fatter; Susan is thinner.
   M: Henry is taller; Susan is shorter.
   F:  Henry is taller; Susan is shorter.
   M: Henry is weaker; Susan is stronger.
   F:  Henry is weaker; Susan is stronger.

   如果把 "亨利比較老; 蘇珊比較年輕 " 這句話簡化為 "亨利比蘇珊老", 在英文里就必須用 than, t-h-a-n, than 這個字; 整句話就是 Henry is older than Susan.  下面我們來作換字練習(xí), 多學(xué)學(xué)這個句型. 首先老師念一個句子, 然后老師給你一個新的比較級形容詞,請你把形容詞代換到原來的句子里.  每作完一句, 老師會念出正確作法, 你自己比較一下看作對了沒有. 現(xiàn)在我們開始.

   M: Henry is older than Susan.
   M: fatter
   F:  Henry is fatter than Susan.
   M: weaker
   F:  Henry is weaker than Susan.
   M: heavier
   F:  Henry is heavier than Susan.
   M: busier
   F:  Henry is busier than Susan.

   剛才那些句子都是以亨利為主詞,  下面這些句子是以蘇珊為主詞;  還是把她和 亨利作個比較, 比方 "蘇珊比亨利年輕" 等等. 還是請你跟剛才一樣作代換練習(xí).

   M: Susan is younger than Henry.
   M: thinner
   F:  Susan is thinner than Henry.
   M: shorter
   F:  Susan is shorter than Henry.
   M: stronger
   F:  Susan is stronger than Henry.
   M: healthier
   F:  Susan is healthier than Henry.

   現(xiàn)在我們再來學(xué)習(xí)形容詞比較級.    首先由老師提出一個問句,  接著他又提出一個詞組作主詞,  請學(xué)生用這個主詞來回答問題,   然后老師又提出一個詞組作受詞, 請學(xué)生用 than 這個字把受詞用進句子里. 首先我給你舉一個例子.

   M: Which table is longer?
   M: this table
   F: This table is longer.
   M: that one
   F: This table is longer than that one.

   好, 現(xiàn)在我們開始作練習(xí). 請你在學(xué)生作練習(xí)的時候也跟著作.

   M: Which table is longer?
   M: this table
   F:  This table is longer.
   M: that one
   F:  This table is longer than that one.
   M: Which dress is shorter?
   M: the blue dress
   F:  The blue dress is shorter.
   M: the red one
   F:  The blue dress is shorter than the red one.
   M: Which car is newer?
   M: the green car
   F:  The green car is newer.
   M: the brown one
   F:  The green car is newer than the brown one
   M: Which house is older?
   M: the big house
   F:  The big house is older.
   M: the small one
   F:  The big house is older than the small one.
   M: Which city is warmer?
   M: Washington, D.C.
   F:  Washington, D.C., is warmer.
   M: New York
   F:  Washington, D.C., is warmer than New York.
   M: Which day is colder?
   M: today
   F:  Today is colder.
   M: yesterday
   F:  Today is colder than yesterday.
   M: Whose room is bigger?
   M: Peter's
   F:  Peter's room is bigger.
   M: Mary's
   F:  Peter's room is bigger than Mary's.
   M: Whose cup is smaller?
   M: Linda's
   F:  Linda's cup is smaller.
   M: Peter's
   F:  Linda's cup is smaller than Peter's.
   M: What is faster?
   M: the airplane
   F:  The airplane is faster.
   M: the car
   F:  The airplane is faster than the car.
   M: What is slower?
   M: the train
   F:  The train is slower.
   M: the airplane
   F:  The train is slower than the airplane.


   除了變化規(guī)則的形容詞比較級之外, 在英文里有很少數(shù)幾個形容詞比較級的變化是不規(guī)則的.  比方 "好"  good, g-o-o-d, good 變成 better, b-e-t-t-e-r,  better;  "壞"bad, b-a-d bad 變成 worse, w-o-r-s-e, worse.

   現(xiàn)在我們來作換字練習(xí). 首先學(xué)學(xué) better 的用法. 由老師念一個句子,  然后老師給你一個新名詞,   請你代換到原來的句子里. 比方老師說: This student is good, but that student  is better. 接著老師給你一個名詞 teacher 請你作代換練習(xí), 正確答案應(yīng)該是 This teacher is good, but that teacher is better. 現(xiàn)在我們開始作練習(xí).每作完一句,  就請你聽正確答案.

   M: This student is good, but that student is better.
   M: teacher
   F:  This teacher is good, but that teacher is better.
   M: dictionary
   F:  This dictionary is good. but that dictionary is better.
   M: report
   F:  This report is good, but that report is better.

   下面我們用同樣的方式來練習(xí) worse 的用法.

   M: This school is bad, but that school is worse.
   M: college
   F:  This college is bad,but that college is worse.
   M: university
   F:  This university is bad, but that university is worse.
   F:  library
   F:  This library is bad, but that library is worse.

   另外兩個變化不規(guī)則的形容詞是 many, m-a-n-y, many. 跟 much, m-u-c-h, much.這兩個字的比較級都是 more, m-o-r-e, more.

   現(xiàn)在我們給你舉一些例子, 先比較  much  跟 more. 句子的內(nèi)容還是把蘇珊跟亨利作個比較, 比方蘇珊賺的錢比較少, 亨利賺得比較多等等. 每個句子老師念兩
次,請你聽一次, 跟著老師重復(fù)一次.

   M: Susan doesn't earn much money; Henry earns more.
   F:  Susan doesn't earn much money; Henry earns more.
   M: Susan doesn't drink much coffee; Henry drinks more.
   F:  Susan doesn't drink much coffee; Henry drinks more.
   M: Susan doesn't eat much meat; Henry eats more.
   F:  Susan doesn't eat much meat; Henry eats more.

   下面幾個句子是比較 many 跟 more. 請你還是跟剛才一樣練習(xí).

   M: Henry doesn't read many books; Susan reads more.
   F:  Henry doesn't read many books; Susan reads more.
   M: Henry doesn't have many records; Susan has more.
   F:  Henry doesn't have many records; Susan has more.
   M: Henry doesn't take many trips; Susan takes more.
   F:  Henry doesn't take many trips; Susan takes more.



   Henry is a little fatter than he wants to be. He wants to lose some weight.   So he is on a    diet.   He   tries  not  to  eat  too  much  and   he   eats  very little  sugar  because  it  will make him fat.    He also does exercises  everyday. He swims, and he runs about two    miles a day.  Now he   is  stronger than before. Henry's cousin, Susan, is healthier than Henry. She is also younger   and  thinner than he is. She exercises everyday. She doesn't eat much meat. She eats a lot    of  fruit  and vegetables, because she thinks they are better for her health.

   等一會兒,   英文老師還會用慢速度把整段文章念一遍.    現(xiàn)在我們先把今天測驗的三個問題念給你聽.

   M: What does Henry want to be?
   M: What is Henry doing to get in shape again?
   M: Compare Henry and Susan.

   現(xiàn)在我們再聽英文老師用慢速度把剛才那段文章念一遍, 請你特別注意剛才那三個問題的答案.

   Henry is a little fatter than he wants to be. He wants to lose some weight.   So he is on a diet.   He  tries  not   to  eat  too  much  and   he  eats  very little  sugar  because  it  will make him fat.   He also does exercises  everyday. He swims, and he runs about two   miles a day.   Now he   is   stronger than before. Henry's cousin, Susan, is healthier than Henry. She is also younger   and thinner than he is. She exercises everyday. She doesn't eat much meat. She eats a lot   of  fruit   and vegetables, because she thinks they are better for her health.

   現(xiàn)在請你回答今天測驗的三個問題. 你回答之后, 老師會給你念正確答案, 你自己比較一下看是不是作對了.    在你比較的時候只要意思對了就行,  不必每一個字跟老師的答案一樣.

   M: What does Henry want to be?
   F:  He wants to be thinner.
   M: What is Henry doing to get in shape again?
   F:  He  tries  not  to  eat  too  much.    He  eats very little sugar.  He does  exercises. He swims and runs.
   M: Compare Henry and Susan.
   F:  Henry is fatter and older. Susan is younger, thinner and healthier


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