The ABC staple (Grey's Anatomy, Mistresses) has signed on for Lifetime's Witches of East End, an upcoming drama that focuses on a family of witches. It's comprised of Julia Ormond's Joanna Beauchamp and her two daughters, played by Jenna Dewan-Tatum and Rachel Boston.Lifetime電視臺即將播出講述女巫家庭故事的美劇《Witches of East End》充滿了ABC臺的元素。這部美劇講的是Julia Ormond扮演的Joanna Beauchamp和她分別由Jenna Dewan-Tatum和Rachel Boston扮演的兩個女兒的故事。
The cast also includes Mädchen Amick and Eric Winter.Mädchen Amick和Eric Winter也參演了此劇。
Lifetime ordered a 10-episode first season in January and the series will likely premiere in early 2014.Lifetime電視臺在今年1月訂購了該劇第一季,正式首播時間可能是2014年年初。
George, meanwhile, will be on recurring status, meaning we can continue to see him from time to time as the husband of Miranda Bailey.George將會作為本劇的一個重復角色出現(xiàn),他扮演的角色是Miranda Bailey的丈夫。